2 - Real Name

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[September 13th]

 Henry's POV

[11:50 AM]

Bat and I had been friends for a bit now. I knew what music he liked, that he'd been playing drums for four years, that he had a cat he loved more than any human being on Earth, etc.

I was heading towards the back of the cafeteria, and I saw he was already at our table.

"Yo" he said as I sat down "Some of my friends and I are gonna hang out tonight, you wanna come?"

"Depends on how many people are gonna be there."

"Fair enough. It should just be me, Damien, Damien's older brother Nathan, Evan, and Jorden, Evan might bring her boyfriend though," he said, jokingly rolling his eyes and emphasizing 'boyfriend'. 

"Evan's a girl?"

"Yeah her parents are just fuckin' weird," he laughed.

"Sounds fine but what're you guys gonna do?"

 He thought for a second, "Not totally sure, but we're probably gonna hit up a convenience store then chill at someone's house or by the river or somethin'."

I nodded a little, "Sounds fine...They all cool with it if I do come?"

"Yeah man of course, Damien's the one who suggested I invite you," he paused "He figured I've been friends with you too long already for him to not know you" he giggled.

"Oh, alright. In that case yeah, I'm down."


Bat's POV

[2:20 PM]

I was sitting in the back corner of a classroom, being a real good student and 'silently working on my project' when Henry passed me a note.

"where/when should I meet you guys tonight" he had written.

I remembered he doesn't know any of the spots me and those friends normally hang out at cos he's new. 

I answered, "Just come by my house at like 7 and we can head over to Damien's"


[6:45 PM]

I figured I should get ready before Henry comes over so I changed into some black cargo pants. a baggy black t-shirt, and vans. I brushed my hair a little and put it up in a high-ish ponytail and messed with my bangs 'til they looked right. Then I put on some deodorant, got my wallet, and grabbed a thin hoodie just in case. Then I heard my doorbell ring.

I was excited so I ran down and opened the door for Henry. Before he could really greet me I pulled him into a hug.

"Hey man" he said.

I let go of him, "Hey."

"Alright Damien's expectin' us so let's go"


We kept talking on the walk to Damien's house.

Henry asked, "Why's Damien's brother gonna be with us?"

"He's got a license and it's a bit of a drive to some of the spots we like"

"Oh, ok."

"Don't worry he mostly just drives us places, sometimes stays to talk with us, and then drives somewhere else and comes back to get us. He's super nice. Basically like an older brother to me y'know?"

"Cool, cool."

Soon after we had made it to Damien's house, it had one of those doorbells with an intercom thing on it. I rang, it buzzed.

"Who's calling" Damien's fuzzy voice asked through the tiny speaker, knowing it was me.

"Let me in dickhead." I said, smiling.

"Ugh fine," he responded, laughing.

The door opened to Nathan, who pulled me into a tight hug.

"Christ Nath I can't breathe!" I laughed.

"Sorry, sorry!" he said, letting me down. "Come on in."

He led us (more-so Henry because he knew I knew his house pretty well) into the living room where Damien, Jorden, and Evan were sitting.

Damien and Evan greeted me and Henry with 'Hi's and "Hello's, but Jorden hopped up and did our stupid little handshake with me before pulling me into a side hug.

"Skater, man! It's been too long!" he said, fake punching me in the shoulder.

I scoffed, "Jorden it's been a week, tops."


I looked over at Henry, he looked kinda confused and I guessed it was 'cause of the nickname.

"Skater cos I skateboard," I explained quickly. He nodded. "Anyways guys this is Henry" I pushed him a little forward and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Hi" he said quietly.

"Henry this is Damien" I gestured to the boy about my height with short, fluffy black hair, "Jorden, of course" I jokingly rolled my eyes at the mixed boy slightly taller than me with long curly hair, "and Evan," I pointed to the short girl with a bleach blond, grown out buzz cut.

"Enough intros y'all down to go to CVS?" Evan said to agreement from the group.

We piled into Damien and Nathan's dad's car; brothers taking up the front, and the rest of us shoved into the backseat, with Henry ending up on my lap.

The drive to CVS was short, we were there in no more than 10 minutes. I took requests and money from the group and Henry and I headed into the store.

"Why doesn't everyone else come in with us?" he asked.

"Oh uh," I laughed a little, "we found out employees get suspicious of big groups of teens coming in."


We were walking up and down aisles occasionally grabbing something, this location was pretty big and I knew security was lax so I shoved a can of Monster energy into my pocket for myself, knowing my hoodie hid it. Henry was looking at me sort of scared.

"I do it all the time man don't worry," I assured him.

He looked less worried and now more impressed by my confidence, "If you say so."

Continuing through the store, I got the rest of the requests for my friends and a couple more little treats for myself or Henry shoved into my pockets. We checked out and headed back to the car, which was a couple blocks down because Nath knew I was a thief so he'd always park a little away so I could unload my pockets without the store seeing. When we got to the car I did exactly that, passed people their drinks and snacks and then got anything I stole for Henry out of my pockets and into his.

Nath, surprised at how much I stole, ended up saying "Jesus Jojo don't you ever worry about getting caught?"

"Not really, no" I responded coolly.

Henry furrowed his brows at another new nickname, this time Nathan saw.

"It's short for his real name," he explained. "Wait, does Henry know your real name?"

"Nah," I laughed, "Don't think Evan does either."

"I don't," she confirmed.

"And you ain't findin' out tonight!" I exclaimed, getting Henry into the car with me.

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