Non-Canon Summer Junk

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A/N: January got me fucked up so bad that I want it to be summer, even though heat makes me feel super sick so I'm writing these silly little characters in the Summer (after the school year I'm writing them in.)

Bat's POV

[June 19th 10:04 AM]

Damien, Evan, Jorden, Henry, and I were all gathered in Damien's room. We wanted to hang out, but we had nothing to do. We figured we'd just figure out what to do when we were together, but we didn't. Nathan was out with a girl he'd been flirting with since May and he wasn't supposed to be back for a couple hours, so we couldn't drive anywhere either.

"Uuuughhhh, dudes I hate this," Jorden whined, slapping his hand over his face.

I pushed myself up from my slouch on Damien's bed, "Summer just sucks here, man."

"At least we used to have Happy Berry to waste time at instead of here," Evan added. 

I sighed, "GOD! I miss that place."

Then there was a knock on the door before Nathan entered, he surveyed the room for a second before saying anything.

"You guys look miserable, goddamn."

I realized he wasn't supposed to be back this early so something must've happened with his date. Normally I wouldn't have brought that up, but I was bored and boredom makes me meaner.

"What happened with your date?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

Nath looked sort of uncomfortable, "I'll tell ya later alright?"

I realized something must have actually gone wrong. "Oh. Alright."

Nath sat down on the floor, none of us had much to say. I laid back on Damie's bed, staring at the ceiling. 

"So..." Damien started, "We gonna do anything or are we just staring at the ceiling until something happens?"

"Dude what is there to do even?" Evan said, cynical as ever.

"Pools are open now..." Jorden suggested.

All of us perked up, all of us but Henry that was. I wondered if something was bothering him.

"Sounds good to me," Evan said. Since she was the pickiest of the group when it came to what was 'fun enough' her approval basically meant it would happen.

[10:20 AM]

We'd all split up and gone home to get bathing suits, towels, etc. I'd already coated myself in sunscreen and a bit of bug spray and I stood in front of my mirror and looked at myself in the bathing suit I bought last Summer. It was a pair of swim shorts that came down just far enough to cover my ass and a black sleeveless swim shirt that I'd cut and re-hemmed so it ended at the bottom of my ribs. I'd never been a fan of being shirtless at pools, but my torso is real short so full length tops look weird. The short-shorts were fine for the pool, but I wasn't into walking around in them too much and we'd probably get food later so I figured I should get some clothes to put on over. I picked out a gray Yamaha t-shirt that was real baggy on me and some loose black shorts. I don't own sandals so I put on some black socks and my hi-top Vans. I filled a backpack with a water bottle, a can of monster, some gummy worms, a towel, underwear so I could get changed later, and my digital camera. 'Great timing' I thought as I heard Nath pull into the driveway to pick me up.

Jorden, Evan, and Henry filled in the backseat of the car, and Damien was already in the passenger's seat, so I hopped in the trunk. I wasn't complaining, it was comfy enough.

Before we knew it we were at the pool, no other cars were parked there. Since we were little Nath, Damien, and I always went to the least popular one in the city, it wasn't bad or anything it was just in the middle of it's nice having it all to ourselves. 

We found a spot in the grass to put towels down and we all got to laying out our stuff. Most of us just spread out a towel then chucked our bags on it, but Evan was always crazy organized so she made sure to lay out the towel perfectly flat and weigh it down all properly. I kicked my shoes off and got to taking off my normal clothes. I sat down as I waited for everyone else to be ready to go in the water.

I glanced over at Evan, she had also sat down on her towel.

"Hey Ev," I started.


"You look great...I know I didn't say anything the other day when you dyed it but red hair looks rad on that bathing suit's hot," I said smiling at her and laughing at the last part.

She laughed too, "Thanks," she scooted over and hugged me, "I needed that what with...y'know..."

I hadn't been thinking about it, but Evan and her ex-boyfriend had broken up in October because he was getting crazy possessive, and in May one of her ex's friends saw her with a guy she'd been talking to and his friend group started harassing her calling her a slut and all that type of shit.

"Oh, yeah...They all suck. I love you dude."

"Love you too man."

By now everyone was ready, we got up and headed to the pool. I followed Henry, still wanting to ask him if something was up. I sat down next to him on the edge of the pool, dangling our legs in the water.

"Hey," he said.

"I think that's the first thing I've heard you say all day," I said, fake punching his arm.

"Yeah maybe."

"You been alright?" I asked, scooting a little closer to him.

"Yeah...just bored."

"Fair enough, sorry I didn't warn you about how boring Summer is here."

"I can forgive you," he smiled at me.

I looked around, "Soo... you wanna swim or..."

"If you insist."

"I'm insisting," I said.

I pushed myself into the water and grabbed his arm, pulling him in. Then I let go and dove down to swim over to the others. It didn't take me long, on account of my lanky arms and legs. I came up for air and immediately got splashed by Jorden. 

I wiped my eyes. "Fuck you!" I shouted at him and pushed him under. He grabbed my legs and pulled me down with him. 

"You suck, I hope you drown," he joked.

"You're worse," I smiled.

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