Rengoku x Y/n

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Y/n She/her Cw swearing. Fluff. (Slight inspo from NotExactlySpaceBuns go check out their stories they are honestly amazing.) Pretty long chapter at 2199 words.

Rengoku and You have been married for 10 years now. Rengoku is still a hashira but goes on fewer missions now that you have children. He dosen't like leaving you alone with them, especilly now that you have 5 with the new twins.

Rengoku's Pov
"I just refuse to belive that master sent us on that mission on purpose! There had to be some sort of mistake." Uzui was just complaining about how boring our last mission was. I looked at my hand and saw the ring I had gotten Y/n and I. I smiled and held my hand tight while trying to think about coming home and holding her tightly with the kids running aro-
"You okay man? Holding your fist a little tight there." Uzui said snapping me back.
"Yes sorry. Just missing y/n and the kids." I said turning back to him smiling.
"I don't blame you. I miss Makio, Suma and Hina too. But hey look were back." Uzui said pointing to my esate with my two eldest sons playing outside with their sister sitting on the porch. I smiled looking at them play.
"Come on! I want to say hi. They haven't seen me in ages." Uzui said walking towards them slowly. I followed him down the hill smiling waiting for the kids to notice us. Kyoko pointed at us smiling and yelled something to her brothers.
"Dad! Uncle Uzui!" Kyoshiro and Reiko yelled out before running and hugging both of us.
"Hey kids! Where's the other two?" Uzui said hugging Kyoko.
"Shinjurō and Ruka are inside with mom. Mom wants to keep them close with her until they're a bit older." Kyoko says smiling up at Uzui.

"Well then let's go inside. Lunch must be ready soon anyway." I say messing up the twins hair.
Uzui picks up the three of them and runs down the hill to the house. I follow laughing behind them. I see the door open and see a little tuff of yellow hair with y/n's h/c on the ends peek out the side. I smile and slowly walk towards the door.
"Well well. I wonder where Shinjurō is." I say just outside the door. Shinjurō jumps out with a boo and some giggling afterwords. I laugh and pick him up setting him in my arms.
"There he is!" I say tickling his belly as he tries to push my hand away. I hear Ruka's giggle as she peaks around the sliding door inside.
"Hey kiddo! Come here!" I put Shinjurō down and hold my arms out for Ruka. She runs towards me and hugs me as tight as she can. I laugh and smile at her.
"Your getting stronger everyday Ruka! I'm impressed." I say as she holds up her arms in a flexing way.
"She learns that from you you know." I hear Uzui say behind me as Shinjurō hugs his leg. I smile and give Ruka to Uzui.
"Will you watch her for a mintue? I'm going to find y/n." Uzui nods and picks the twins up while the others run inside, next to him. I smile and walk to the kitchen finding y/n putting lunch in bento boxs for the family.
"Well hello there gorgeous." I say walking up behind her and putting my head into the crook of her neck. I hear her laugh and she starts running her fingers through my hair.
"Welcome home love." She says putting the top on the bento box.

Y/n's pov
I feel a head lay onto my shoulder as I hear Kyojuro say hello. I chuckle and start petting his head.
"Welcome home love." I say putting the top on the final top on the bento box.
"The children seem happy to see you. I heard them yelling from here." I say turning my head towards him.
"They most defintly were. Uzui is here as well if you would like to say hello." Kyojuro says picking his head up and looking at me while pulling my waist closer to him.
"I would love too. I haven't been able to see the other hashira in quite a while." I say kissing his cheek. He smiles and leads me towards the living room where I see all the kids hanging onto Uzui as he pretends they're too heavy.

"Kids. Let Uzui go." I say with a bit of tone in my voice. They let go and run to their dad and start hugging him. I roll my eyes and walk towards Uzui.
"Y/n! It's so good to see you again!" He says hugging me tightly.
"Uzui. It's nice to see you too." I say hugging him back. He lets go and steps back a step.
"How have things been? We miss you at HQ." He says smiling widly. No wonder him and Kyojuro became such good friends. They're both full of energy always.
"It's been nice with the kids around. I should stop by sometime then. Im sure Sanemi will be thrilled to see me." I say with a hint of sarcasm at the end. Both Uzui and Kyojuro let out a booming laugh hearing my joke.
"I would stay longer but Makio gets a little angry when I don't come home as soon as possible. I'll see you all at HQ soon hm?" He says walking towards the front door. I nod and wave goodbye to him. He flashes a smile and leaves closing the door as the kids yell their goodbye's. I turn back to the others and see them all hanging onto Kyojuro. I smile at them and grab the two youngest twins from his arms.
"Okay okay let go of your father. I still haven't gotten my kiss." I say leaning into Kyojuro. He puts one arm down and pulls me in closer kissing my lips softly. The kids make a gagging noise and cover their eye's. I smile into the kiss and make sure there's a squeek noise as I break the kiss.
"Ewww!" All the kids yell out and scramble away with the two twins following slowly behind.

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