Chapter 15: Eden

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1 day before the wedding...

I walked into the bridal store a wreck. Today was the last day before the wedding, and my anxiety was running rampant with scenarios.

We all fell asleep yesterday, and missed dinner. From what Maria told me, it was just our family and the O'Connell twins. Apparently, it was "awkward as shit." Jackson ordered pizza for us, and we all stayed in our quarters. Playing fucking Uno. If someone told me that this is where I would be after being engaged so early and thinking said engagement would ruin my life, I probably would've asked them to get mentally checked out. It was so much fun though. And after I lost, they cheered me up with lots of kisses.

When we woke up this morning, Connor would not let go of me. And to be honest, I was not mad. I would've stayed in bed all day if I didn't have so much to do.

All of us girls went to breakfast this morning, including some of the boys' family. Connor's best friend, Augustina, and her younger sister, Cecilia, came with us. Cecilia was going to be one of my bridesmaids, but Augustina opted out. They were very nice girls, and had plenty of fun stories I could use against the boys. It was a good morning.

We stopped at one dress shop to finalize all the bridesmaids dresses, and seeing them all together was beautiful. There were different dress styles, but all in the same shade of green. Everyone looked wonderful.

And now, it was 5 O'clock. And we were at the bridal store. To fit my dress. My wedding dress. For my wedding. Which was tomorrow.

In the time I've been here, I've pretty much loved all the time I've been with the boys. Sure, it was a rocky start, but I like to believe they'll be like this for a while. That they'll stay sweet to me, and keep their rude mafia attitudes for work.

But I'm still so nervous. Tomorrow, I'm bound to them. Until death do us part. And I have a feeling they are going to take those vows very seriously. And as much as I like them, doubts are still very real. What if these attitudes are just a show? What if they start treating me like shit when we are actually married? What if they hurt me when we're in private? I've heard too many stories from other wives about husbands putting on a show until the wedding night just to make sure their wife would give it up.

What if that's them?

"Eden Amato? We're ready for you in the back." I look up, finally leaving my thoughts. While I was out of it, I hadn't even realized Mamma placed her hand on my shaking leg. I looked at her and she motioned for me to follow her. I stood, and all of the girls did as well, walking towards the seating area.

Once in the back, the clerk helped me get into the robe until she could get my dress.

"So Eden, how are you today?" I chuckled.

"A little nervous, to be honest."

"Most brides are. It's completely normal. TMI, but I stressed puked 4 times before my wedding. I was a mess. You're holding it together a whole lot better than I was." Laughing, I turn around and see myself in the mirror. I straightened my hair this morning, much to Callum's dismay. My makeup

looks great, and this lighting is working wonders for me. I feel beautiful. And that calms me down.


"Alright, well I'm going to get the dress for you."

A few moments later, she returned and helped me into my dress, taking special care to make me feel comfortable. I have to say, she was a great hype woman.

When I stand up to my full height, looking in the mirror, I can't help my gasp. I ordered the dress online, so not only is this my bridal party's first time seeing the dress, it's mine as well.

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