Update :)

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I'm alive!!!! 

So, the end of summer was actually ridiculously busy for me and then school just started too so I'm getting into the swing of things from that. Also, my depression is making a hard hitting comeback so thats nice 😀

Aside from all that, I've just lacked motivation for this book. I'm working on so many other things, and all of them, including this book are passion projects, I'm just lacking the passion for this book. I will be finishing it and I will be continuing to make the other books in the series, It just may take me a while.

I want this book to be done before the end of the year, and you guys can hold me to that! I want to finish this book and make it something you enjoy reading. I'm just facing some writers block. I have everything planned already, I'm just struggling to articulate it. Plus, some of my timelines are getting skewed so I'm working on those too. Anyways, that's really all for now. Just wanted you all to know I am in fact not dead.

Were about to get a tropical storm and I have a sinus infection so it's time to settle down with a glass of hot tea and a rewatch of Pride and Prejudice (2005) 

Fun Fact: My mom loves the movie so much she almost named me Darcy!

QOTD: What was your "almost" name?

Cameron T. 💚

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