bugs! larry

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larry is your best friend, and you and him are very scared of bugs. but you guys come across a whole army of beetles in a musty ass sushi place and don't know what to do.

"hey, y/n, do you wanna go to a restaurant?" larry said as he barged into your room.

"sure, which one?" you say.

"well i saw this sushi place, and it looked pretty good."

sushi? you didn't really like sushi that much, but if larry really wanted to go, you could go too.

"uh yeah sure i guess. where's it at?"

"its like a 10 minute drive from here."

"okay, im not driving, though."

"fine, go get dressed"

larry then left your room. you thought about it for a second, do you really need to get all dressed up for a sushi place? yes. yes, you do. why? cause we're extra.

you went to your closet, but you couldn't pick an outfit. you thought it would be a great place, so you picked a casual but nice outfit.

your outfit looked decent, now you needed makeup (if you wear any)

great! you started to head out the door.

“ARE YOU READY??!” you heard larry shout.


time skip

you guys had already arrived at the place, and you took a look at the signs around it.

it looked kinda sketch, but dont all small restaurants look sketchy? just me, okay.

the restaurant was almost empty, but there were 2 other people there. it seemed odd, but at least there was some music playing.

the least they could do was put some music on.

it was so quiet, basically the only thing you could hear was water running, the rattling of plates being washed, and the sound of utensils clanking on plates.

it wasnt busy of course, but the waiter was taking quite long to get to us.

we were patient, and we waited for about 10 minutes. you respect others, so you didnt speak up about the wait.

but wasnt this just a little too long to wait?

then after another minute, you heard footsteps coming to your table.

"hello, and welcome to ______'s sushi! here are your menu's. please come to me for assistance, we also have a button you can press to alert help! would you 2 like any drinks?" the waiter said.

"um, no thank you. we're fine on just water." you replied as you took the menu.

you looked at the menu, there was many different choices. you saw an item called, "tonkotsu ramen."

you had never heard of it before, so you decided to choose that.

larry got a huge ass plate of sushi you knew he wasn't gonna finish.

the waiter came back after about 3 minutes and said,
"hello! are you guys ready to order?"

larry was too much of a pussy to order his food, so he made you order it.

"yep! could we get the ______&___ sushi plate, and tonkotsu ramen, please?"

"of course! your food will be done soon."

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