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One of the many tests from 'The tests of Lavender'

SCP-348 test one

Test one:
Date: 07/22/████ 

SCP-6027 was brought to the containment area for SCP-348, per Dr. Gears request she is to be monitored and all results recoded via writings.

The subject is sitting in the room eating the soup, when asked about if she recognized the taste she shook her head claiming she didn't. 
She claims the soup is 'kinda' good 
6027 is asked to look into the bowl and read out the message. They seem to pause before reading it out loud. 
'I'm sorry, I tried to save you' 
Subject is now crying and Dr. ████ has requested she be returned to her cell till further notice. 
Bowl was claimed to be a homemade soup

Minutes later SCP-6027 was found in her cell experiencing flu like symptoms, she was observed for a day before being allowed to receive any form of treatment

Test two:
Date: 4/12/████

SCP-6027 was brought in once again to SCP-348s containment area, per request 6027 is to not be recorded but all results are to be handwritten.

Subject is eating soup and once again claims she cannot familiarize the taste, claim it tastes similar to the first one. 
She claims the soup tastes 'pretty good' and seems to enjoy it
when SCP-6027 looks into the bowl she begins to tear up and start crying
It takes 5 minutes till she's able to respond saying the message was from her mother 
Claims the message states: 'you look like your father' 
Subject was taken out semi distressed but not far enough to cause wilted flower

Two hours later after the test SCP-6027 was found collapsed in the hallway during a transport to another test, she had claimed of difficulty breathing and the feeling of her throat swelling. 

Test three:
Date: 12/25/████

SCP-6027 was brought in once again for testing involving SCP-348, per request SCP-6027s results are to all be written down.

Subject was eating the soup but this time claims the taste is familiar
Subject claims the soup is the same kind she had with her ex-wife 
She seems to enjoy the soup
When she looked into the bowl she was seen to be immediately distressed and had to be escorted out.
She was immediately taken back to her cell and questioned about what was in the bowl.
She claims the writing was from her ex-wife the words being 'I don't blame you'

A day later the subject seemed to collapse and go into shock, she was also seen to be experiencing a seizure inside of her containment cell. 

All testing with SCP-348 and SCP-6027 is to be suspended immediately by order of the 05 council 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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