Merry Christmas PT 2

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Wednesday POV :

As I threw myself in my bed I heard my phone ringing I picked it up and it was Enid "OMG Wednesday, Ajax's holding a party at his house are you coming?" She said "My answer is very obvious." I replied "Xavier's coming though I guess I'll tell him you not coming" She said in a sarcastic tone "Fine I'll go" I said "YAY" She yelled as I hung up on her. I forgot to ask her when was the party so I texted her saying "I forgot asking, when is the party?" "See Wednesday? This is what happens if yoy hang up immediately, anyway the party is on December 15th on 10 AM" She replied. "Ok" I said, Then I went off it was December 13th today so I have two more days

(Two days later)

It was December 15th, The day of the party
I woke up on 7 AM, I took a shower and now it was 7:10 AM, I ate breakfast and now it was 7:30 AM, I waited for awhile and now it was 8:55, Just the right time to get ready
I put on a white top and a black skirt with black thights and a black cardagian I did my hair and it was 9:22 I grabbed my bag and put Thing in it

I called Lurch to drive me to Ajax's house
When I arrived a Ajax's house it was exactly 10 AM, When Enid saw me she let out a scream and hugged me "YAY! Wednesday made it!" She yelled, After that I saw Xavier with a drink at his hand saying "Hey Wednesday I didn't expect you would make it" He said "I only came here for you." I said and walked away from him, I heard him chuckling as I walk away. I grabbed some food and the party started. We played some fun games and ate lunch. It was time to go home we all said goodbye as Xavier went closer to me he said "Good bye Wednesday see you next week at school."

"Goodbye Xavier." I replied as I went back home.

i love you wednesday. (xavier x wednesday) Where stories live. Discover now