chapter 2

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You woke up cold and dark place. It seemed like a dark room with no windows or a door. Then you heard foot steps. You where to tiered to fight, so you just sat in the corner. Then a door opened. You didn’t look, because you thought you where going to be sold around like how your mom talked about a lot. “WhAT @re YYou” a new voice said. You said nothing. “Wwell S@y ssSomEthInng” he demanded. You stand up and still said nothing. They give you an aggressive look, and spoke ‘FinE, dOnt”. And they left


Still in the what looked to be a cell now that your eyes adjusted. “Why didn’t you answer to him” the first voice almost calling to you. This time you used sign language, “: I don’t want:” “why” “:DON’T WANT:” “fine” then he appeared, and said “follow me i have a more subtle room for you”


why did she use sign language is she mute, she also looked numb, what is with her. Would that make the plan easier. One way or another we’re here “here this your room” “:thank you:”


Ari was talking to you about him, but you haven’t answered them yet. As you inter the room he leaves. As he did you started to reply to Ari “:he’s weird, and enjoyable:” “no, he’s just weird and he’s probably up to something bad” “: you don’t know  but i stay ready:” you locked the door and sat on a bed. Eventually you fall asleep

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