Final selection

115 1 10

Cw: swearing, decapitation, Zenitsu being a simp, yandere content

[Name] felt more relaxed after feeling the cool breeze from the wind, as they walked alongside the path [Name] decided to buy lunch and looked through their pocket for some spare change.

What they didn't expect to find was a handful of wisteria flowers, the scent instantly clogging their nostrils

[Name] pinched their nose with one hand while the other held the strong scented flowers away from them

"That's weird, how did this get in here?" They questioned while throwing it away

They decided to skip lunch since they weren't very hungry

Once [Name] finally arrived at the final selection, they were in utter shock at the amount of wisteria flowers there were

It reeked of sweet fragrances, not that it smelt bad at all, quite the opposite. The scent was just too much and made [Name] a little light headed

They decided to stop focusing on the smell and looked around, noticing how a lot of people were covered in scars. Scars must be in season huh?

These 2 different colored twins appeared and started explaining the instructions, [Name] relaxed more and let out a sigh of relief, they already knew what to do because of Ushinatta's long lectures about the final selection and how dangerous it was

Time seemed to fly by and it was now already time to spend 7 days with demons that wanted nothing but to devour people for their own selfish needs.

Speaking of selfish, [Name] just arrived and these 2 demons were already fighting over who gets to eat them.

"I get to eat them! I saw them first!" "No me! You got to eat the last one!" They continued bickering, seeming to forget the human standing infront of them.

They unsheathed their sword, and got into a stance. "Hey I got a better idea!" [Name] exclaimed trying to get their attention, it worked and the demons stopped arguing and turned to look at the human.

[Name] sliced through the demons necks, their heads coming clean off, the decapitated heads fell to the ground with a thud

They started yawning, "Man, I really should've eaten lunch today." They shuddered as they remembered grandpa Shoujiki yelling at them when they forgot to eat breakfast.

'It's the most important meal of the day! Why would you miss out on it?!' After that they remembered to never skip breakfast again

They snapped out of their memories when they heard a loud cry from the distance, or at least they think it was a cry? It sounded more like a whiny child.

But whatever, [Name] followed the voice until it brought them to a really laughable sight.

There was a blonde guy, who's hair looked like French fries, and he was currently holding onto to this one dude like his life depended on it.

The dude that was being grabbed on tried to kick him off, but it was no use, it was like they were glued together

"Please protect me! I don't even know why I'm here! I don't even wanna be here!" He wailed, it was like he was a toddler stuck in a man's body.

[Name] decided not to be a douchebag and went over to help the poor dude.

"Hey is something going on here?" They asked while eyeing the pathetic crying mess.

He blushed madly at the sight of [Name] and started stammering on his sentences.

"Please get this guy off of me!" The man begged, and [Name] decided to be generous.

"Alright," They crouched down to the blonde's position. "Do you wanna come with me? I'll make sure to protect you don't worry" it was like they signed a contract with the devil.

Ah what the heck, who cares.

The blonde finally let go of the man, and he ran as fast as he could away from the French fry guy.

He was suddenly clung onto [Name] like a magnet, "Areyouanangelfromheavenabovethankyousomuch!" Wait what the fuck

He gripped [Name]'s shirt very tightly, they looked down and the French fry man had hearts in his eyes. "Please marry me you kind stranger!"

They almost cringed from the way he was acting, "Um I don't even know your name?"

"It's Zenitsu Agatsuma!" He replied while snuggling his face into [Name]'s shirt they were wearing.

"Oh right- the name's [Name]" they replied nonchalantly, no wonder that one dude ran away, this was probably a bad idea.

"What a beautiful name! Fit for an angel like you" He yelled while gripping their leg even tighter. How down bad is this guy?

Oh well.

[Name] started walking with Zenitsu clinging onto their leg, they crouched down and picked him up by the collar. Kind of like a cat.

Zenitsu let out a confused noise, "C'mon Zenitsu, I promised I would protect you didn't I?" They said while propping him back onto his feet.

He looked even more confused, "you aren't gonna leave me alone?" He asked. They shook their head.

"You aren't gonna hit me and walk away?" He asked doubtfully. They shook their head, "Not as far as I'm aware"

His heart melted and his face distorted into a cheesy grin, "Awww, thank you [Name]! I already knew when we first met that you were an angel!" He said while tackling them into a bone crushing hug


Alright, that's the first chapter finished. I'm going to do one of those yandere love meters

Tanjiro: 5%
"They were very eye-catching! I wish I couldve talked to them"

Zenitsu: 39% (bro really falls inlove fast)
"I love [Name]! They said that they would protect me!"

Genya: 3%
"They didn't look very strong, but they have a pretty face"

Kanao: 4%

I felt like this chapter was very cringe worthy ngl😭

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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