mistletoe•young raeda

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Eda's POV

I woke up christmas morning and only remembered Raine was celebrating christmas with us this year when I saw that they were asleep on the floor in my room. I'm happy my parents let them celebrate christmas with us. I mean doesn't everyone wanna celebrate christmas with their partner? My parents didn't know we were dating, the only person in my family that knew was Lilith and we had a feeling she might be planning something. I look over at Raine and admire them, they look so cute sleeping. It's been about 15 minutes since I woke up and I hear a yawn. Raine then sits up and turns to look at me.

"Morning rainestorm!"

Raine turned a bright red and then covered their face with their pillow.

Raine: Edaaa, I told you to stop calling me that.

"But it's cute seeing you get flustered everytime I call you it."

Raine: No it's not, and besides I don't get flustered!

"Then take your pillow off your face."

Raine: No!


Raine: B-because!

"Is it because your face is red?"

Raine: N-no, o-of course not.

"Show me your face then rainestorm."

Raine: F-fine I will.

Raine takes away the pillow covering their face, and sure enough, their face is a bright red.

"I knew it."

I smiled at them, they crossed their arms and looked away.

Raine: Stop making fun of me!

The tone they used sounded like they were actually mad at me.

"I'm sorry...If I made you mad. I wasn't trying to."

Raine turned back around and then stood up and went and sat next to me.

Raine: I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to sound like I was mad at you.

I blushed at the nickname, they never really called me nicknames so this was new.

"It's fine, I'm sorry for getting upset just over the tone you used."

Raine: Don't apologise, it was my fault for using that tone.

"But it was my fault for getting upset over it."

Raine: But its my fault for using that tone.

"Its my fault for getting upset."

Raine: No, it's my fault for using that tone.

After they said that we both started laughing at the same time. Once we stopped laughing they hugged me and then we hear my door open and they immediately let go. It was Lilith.

"Morning Lily."

Lilith: Morning, we are allowed to go downstairs. 

"Okay, come on rainestorm."

I stand up and so do they. I grab their hand and we follow Lily downstairs. When we get down there, my parents are sitting on the couch. We take a seat down on the rug in front of the christmas tree. 


Lilith went upstairs after she finished opening her presents and me and Raine stayed downstairs and were talking about what we were going to do today. After a bit of talking, my parents told us to go get ready for the day because we were going out into the snow. Once we get upstairs and into my room I have a feeling that someone must've changed something but I didn't know what. I stop in the middle of my room and look around.

Raine: Eda? Is everything okay?

"I have a feeling someone did something to my room."

Raine comes and stands next to me.

Raine: What could they have done?

Lilith then walks into my room with a smile on her face.

"Lily what did you do?"

Lilith: Nothing much, may have put a mistletoe in your room.

Raine: Mistletoe? Isn't that the plant that when-

Lilith: Two people are under they have to kiss, yes.

"Where did you put it?"

Lilith: You may want to look above you.

She then smiles and leaves my room. I look above and there's the mistletoe, hanging from the ceiling right above where me and Raine were standing. We both blushed knowing what that meant, we had to kiss. We hadn't really kissed before other than forehead and cheek kisses. We turned to look at each other and i looked into their beautiful green eyes. I've never kissed someone before. I had no idea what to do. I knew that I wanted my  first kiss to be with Raine, but I didn't want it to be because of some stupid mistletoe, I wanted to wait until we were both comfortable. What if they weren't ready yet. I had been too busy overthinking that I hadn't noticed Raine had grabbed my face and pulled it closer to theirs. I didn't know what they were doing.

"Rainestorm what are yo-"

I was cut off by Raine quickly pulling my face closer to theirs and then kissing me really quickly, grabbing their stuff then going to the bathroom to get ready. It took me a few minutes to process what just happened, my partner and I shared our first kiss. I stood there in shock. I had completely frozen and my only form of movement was me blinking. After I finally gained movement back I got ready and then looked in the mirror, I was still a bright shade of red from before and it was very noticeable. I managed to cover up most of my face and then went downstairs and saw everyone was outside already. They were having a snowball fight. I go over to a rock and sit down to watch my parents have a snowball fight against Lilith and Raine.

 Usually I would join but i feel like it would be awkward that we just had our first kiss. After the snowball fight, Raine and Lilith came over to me.

Lilith: Why didn't you join the snowball fight? Its usually something you enjoy.

"Oh, just didn't feel like it today."

Lilith: Oh, well I'm going to go build a snowman if anyone wants to help.

Raine: I wanna stay here and talk to Eda.

Lilith: Alright!

Lilith runs off and goes looking for a good patch of snow. Raine sits down next to me.

Raine: Listen, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable with what i did this morning. I wasn't really thinking.

"Oh no its fine, I was just surprised. That's all. I mean it's our first kiss."

Raine: Yeah.

"You know I wasn't expecting it."

Raine: Neither was I, I  didn't realize what I did until a few minutes after i did it.

"I'm going to have to thank Lily later."

Raine: Why?

"Because got me a first kiss with my partner."

I smiled at Raine and they smiled back."

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