02 | the kirsten's and springer's

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📷mikasa ackerman-kirsten's cameo

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mikasa ackerman-kirsten's cameo

"hey, i'm mikasa and i'm a film director. i'm kinda nervous to be back on the show since i wasn't on season two. however, i'm excited for y/n to finally be on the show."

"i feel like a lot of her fan base don't really know her considering she's a very private person. i think this will be a good step in her career and it might even gain her more supporters."

"anyways, while i'm shooting racks, i'll also be directing a new movie that's coming out in a few months."

jean kirsten cameo

"it's jean kirsten here, i'm that famous actor that all of you have crushes-"

"babe, cut the obnoxious act, please?" mikasa asked from behind the scenes. "we want people
to actually like you this season."

jean shamelessly nodded his head. "that was my wife, unfortunately for you all, i'm a married-"

"jean, what did i just say?" mikasa asked sternly. mikasa loved her husband, but that cocky attitude he had was something she could not stand.

"right, sorry baby. anyways, i'm thinking about taking a break from acting since i've been acting since i was fresh out of high school-"

"damn, you old as hell." mikasa says from behind the scenes as she tries to hide her laughter.

jeans face went straight. "you know what, i'm leaving."

mikasa and jean's interview

"if one of you made more money than the other, how would you feel?" the director asked.

"mikasa already makes more money then me and i don't really feel any way about it." jean says as he shrugs his shoulders. "if jean did start making more money than me, i wouldn't care because at the end of the day, we're both making money." mikasa says calmly.

"that'd never happen. you're literally always directing something. you're literally the head director of this show."

"well, he has a point there."

"what do you like most of each other?" the interviewer asked. "i love how passionate she is. she's always so kind and supportive and i just love that about her."

mikasa wipes fake tears from her eyes as she hears her husband praise her. "i love how no matter what's going on in his day, he's always willing to drop everything and just be by my side if i had a shitty day. he's actually very sweet to me surprisingly."

"i'm not even going to say anything about that last part." jean says with an annoyed face.

"do you guys argue all the time?" the interviewer asked.

"mikasa literally will not listen to anyone who isn't talking to her in a calm way, unless something terrible happened. if you want to discuss something with her, you have to be in a calm headspace otherwise you'll be wasting your breath." jean explains.

"that is correct. i find that when you talk to people in a harsh tone that nothing is ever resolved because everyone is screaming and yelling because they don't feel heard."

"this is always another thing i love about her, she's so fucking mature."

"jean, in thirty. i'd hope i'd be mature."

"we know what i meant."


temari springer's cameo

"hi, i'm temari and i'm currently pregnant with my first child with my idiotic husband."

"babe? what the fuck?" connie shouted from a distance. "sorry honey, but you literally walked into a wall on the way here AND you put your shoes on the wrong feet today. i still love you though."

"anyways, my best bitch, y/n, is joining the show after two damn seasons. i'm excited that me, y/n, river and mikasa are finally going to be able to spend more time together. well, i don't know about river since she has a newborn baby, but still."

"since me and my friends seem to be having babies-"

"just you and river, i will never have kids!" you yelled. "girl, bye." temari rolls her eyes. "anyways, like i was saying, since me and river have kids, i was thinking about creating a baby clothing line. i'm not sure what i'd call it though, but i have a few pieces that i've designed exclusively for me and river and i really like them."

constance springer's cameo

"i'm literally the sexist man alive, the names connie and i'm the second most paid model alive. my cousin, y/n-"

"the top paid model by the way!" you shouted. "no one cares, anyways, she's finally joining the show after for-fucking-ever. i honestly thought she was never gonna be on the show. then all of a sudden, her old ass fiancé asks her and now she wants to be on the show." connie rolls his eyes as he gives eren a death stare.

"i'm two years older then you?" eren says confusedly from behind the camera. "yeah, old."

temari and constance's interview

"when did you guys meet?" the interviewer asks. "october twenty-third, twenty-sixteen. i was modeling for her clothing brand and i thought she was the prettiest girl i've ever seen." temari blinked a few times trying to process the fact that her idiotic husband remembered the exact date of when he met her.

since she's pregnant and her hormones are all over the place. she started tearing up a bit. "aw, constance. i can't believe you really remembered all of that."

connie wiped the tears from temari's face. "i can't forget one of the best days of my life." he smiled that toothy grin that she loved so much.

"y/n told me that she knew a boy who could model for my brand and when he showed up to the shoot, i immediately fell in love. he showed me that love at first sight was real."

"what's your favorite thing about the other person?" the interviewer asked.

"besides her gorgeous face, it's has to be her tittys." connie says bluntly. "i really like his hair to be honest. it's literally so soft and fluffy, like a cloud."

"what do you love most about your relationship?" the interviewer asked.

"she always knows when i'm sad, stressed, irritated, etc. it's kinda weird when i think about it. it's just nice to not have to always tell her my feelings when i'm not ready to talk about them."

"me and him have to be connected because i was going to same the same-thing. i just love when he instantly knows when somethings wrong."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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