Pitch Black Void

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You go down, into the pitch black mess in your living room floor. Immediately, the screams are louder. Of course, you brought your flashlight and you walk deeper into the sort of alleyway. Okay I'll have to admit, this is scary as fuck. Must really suck to be a mortal right now! Your life may be worth watching over after all. Man, I'm bitting my nails thinking about it. It's so cool! You walk deeper, I can see the fear in your eyes. I'm the only on here to protect you, but theres only so much I can do. Actually, I think I'll stay out of this entirely. He won't be too happy about that, but it's the fun option! You witness it. There's blood stains everywhere. The smell. It's horrible, it's rotting. The screams are even louder. There's blood smeared all over these carved out walls and floor. You have no choice, you have to keep walking. You see a tiny light. Not persuaded, you keep your pace. As you walk towards it, you can smell the disgusting odor even more. The blood smears only got bigger and thicker the more you traverse. Was this really the right decision? We both know you've basically just signed a paper to die down here. You can't change fate. You made the wrong choice. You keep walking, only shaking more and more with each step, sobbing, and trying to calm yourself down, but to no avail. The screams are practically shrieks at this point. There is no turning back now, you have to face it. You stumble on something, wonder What it is? It's.. It's!-

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