Part 4

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Alice was on edge. She could not believe she had to spend the rest of her life in her room with. That. HUMAN. But she just smiled begrudgingly. "Yes sir..." The Master smiled and waved them off. Alice turned around sharply. And began to walk out, slamming the door behind her. She stopped by the cafeteria to pick up a glass. When she got to the room, opened and closed the door, and threw the glass at the wall screaming a high-pitched scream.

The door opened to reveal a small room. She smirked quietly to herself as she spotted the broken glass. "Ah, Another broken person as well, eh?" She spoke, a slight accent on her calm tone. The girl named Alicd turned around with an unreadable expression on her face. She gave a halting motion, and flung a knife with alarming speed at the wall, piercing the small window. It didn't crack since it appeared to be bullet glass for some reason. She sighed, Alice's eyes widened, "Are you crazy!? Were you trying to murder me!?" Anger exploded on her face. Kainda sighed. "Gosh no, I was testing to see if I could escape that way." In a flash she bowed lightly. "I am soo so sorry Master. I'll clean it up right away." She mocked. Alice's Nostrils flared as Kainda smirked. "Tomorrow you're going out for the first time, hm? Better get a good night's sleep." The sun had gone, a crystal moon replacing it. Kainda looked up to see a bed hanging. She jumped up, grabbing it with her hands pulling herself up. "Night" she muttered, turning over in the lump of a hanging bed.

Alice gave her the bird.

Kainda gave an oof sound as Alice flipped the bed. She wasn't caught off guard. Kainda grabbed the edge of the bed as it tipped over. She gave Alice a smirk, dropping down. "This girl's getting on my nerves." Erica's voice commented. Her wispy voice floated through her mind and out in a flash. Erica let out a low menacing chuckle.

Alice gave her another bird and dropped the bed. She went to the corner of the room and sat down. She stood on all fours, in a very menacing stance . She gave Kainda one of those death glares that meant if she pulled any more of her stunts, then she was actually going to hurt her.

Kainda rolled her eyes. She was kind of laughing at the pathetic attempt at a death stare. It looked... Kinda cute-in a deathly way.

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