Chapter One

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I can't believe that Mother wants me to marry that freaking prince! My brain shouts at me as I get out of bed. I mean, seriously! He isn't even nice! I shudder. He's such a pig! All he wants is- I shudder again. But the wedding is only two weeks away! I-I can't marry that guy! I get out of bed and go to my closet.
"Now where are my normal clothes?" I murmur softly. "A-ha! There they are!"
I pull the clothes from their hiding spot and quickly change into them. I then put my hair up in a braid. I admired my work in the mirror for a few moments before rushing out of my rooms and down a servant passage that led out of the castle and into the London streets.
I went to my favorite cafe near the library. The cafe is quiet as usual except there is a new customer in my favorite spot. He sips on his coffee and types on his computer. Ugh! At least I have a second favorite spot. I turn to go to it but it is also taken. I curse under my breath.
"Er, ma'am? Have I taken your seat?" The boy in my favorite spot asks, his voice sounds different though.
"Oh... um... Yes, but you're fine," I smile at him and take a seat a little ways away.
"I can move, if you want," The boy started to get up,
"No, no, you're fine," I assured him, and he sat back down.
"Are you sure? I can easily move, I won't mind," The boy looked at me.
I smile, "It's fine,"
"Okay," The boy gave up. "I'm Elliot by the way,"
"I'm Lilith, but I go by Lili," I told him.
"As in Princess Lilith?" Elliot asks.
"Yeah, as in Princess Lilith," I say slowly.
"That's cool!" Elliot smiled.
"Yeah," I agreed. "What are you working on?"
"Oh, homework," Elliot sighs.
"What kind of homework?" I ask.
"Math," Elliot sighs, "It's algebra."
"Oh! I love algebra," I smile. "Maybe I could help you."
"Could you?" Elliot's expression made me laugh.
"Sure," I chuckled and went to sit beside him.
"Thank you!" Elliot gasped.
Time passes as I help him relate and learn how to do the algebra problems. We get along easily and get to know each other well. I learned that they go by they/them and not he/him and that they are from the U.S. The sun is high in the sky before I notice the time.
"Oh, shoot! I've got to get home," I exclaim as I gather the trash from our breakfasts and lunches.
"Really? That sucks, maybe we can meet again tomorrow," Elliot raised their eye-brows hopefully.
"I'd like to very much, but I have things going on tomorrow," I sigh, remembering that I have to be fit for my wedding dress.
"Oh, okay. Maybe some other time?" Elliot's tone was hopeful.
"Here, give me your phone number," I take my phone out of my pocket and type the numbers as they tell me their phone number. "I'll let you know when I'm available."
"Okay," Elliot sighs, "See you later, and thanks for the help."
"You're welcome, Elliot!" I smile and rush out of the cafe.
I head quickly towards the castle. I had another meeting with Prince Damon in half an hour. As soon as I am in my room, my maids bustle me into the dressing room and put me into a beautiful but heavy dress. My maids, Lucy and Ellie put my hair up in a beautiful bun with my second favorite crown that had fire-like crystals around a lighter red frame with clear gems and other beautiful tiny flower-shaped gems lining the bottom. I examine their work in the mirror.
"Now, you've outdone yourselves this time," I smile at them.
"Thank you, Lili," The girls smile.
They led me down the hallway, away from my rooms, and into the courtyard. Where my betrothed was waiting for me. I flash a fake smile at him and he smiles back.
"You look beautiful, my love," Prince Damon smiled at me.
My insides recoil as I respond with, "Thank you, my love."
He offers his arm, and I hold onto it as we walk through the courtyard and out to the gardens. My smile becomes real when I see all the beautiful flowers. I guess he knows I love the gardens.
"The gardens look lovely today," Damon commented.
"They do," I replied shortly.
We continued walking throughout the gardens until it was almost dark, which was when he led me to the corner of the gardens that he had been avoiding. My eyes widened. It's so.... Beautiful.... He must really..... I didn't finish the thought.
"Do you like it?" Damon asks.
"Oh, Damon, it's.... " I exclaimed as I looked at him. "It's wonderful, thank you!" I hug him tightly.
"I knew you'd like it!" He smiled and tightened his arms around me. "Where were you today? I went by your rooms, but your maids said you weren't there."
"I was out in the town, of course," I replied.
"What were you doing in the city?" He narrowed his eyes and his grip tightened even more.
"I was at my favorite cafe, next to the library," I told him.
"Why did you leave the castle?" His grip on my waist was starting to hurt.
"I'm allowed to go where I please," I told him.
"Not anymore, you must ask me before you leave the castle, and tell me why you're leaving the castle," Damon said and his grip tightened even more.
"Damon, you're hurting me," I tell him, my voice edged with panic and pain.
"But I thought we were having fun!" Damon's voice was whiny, but his grip only tightened more.
"Damon, let me go," I tell him.
"Whatcha gonna do if I don't, hmm?" Damon whispered in my ear, his grip tightening to the point that my insides we being squished to death and I could barely breathe.
I punch him hard in his face and his grip loosens enough for me to escape and run. I don't stop until I'm in the castle with people swarming me.
"Your Highness, are you okay?" One person asks.
"Where's Prince Damon?" Another asks.
I'm breathing heavily.
"Where are my parents?" I ask.
"They are having dinner in their private chambers," Someone else answers.
I nod and push through the crowd and soon find myself before my parent's private dining room. I knocked.
"Enter," My mother answers, and I enter the room.
"Back from your date so soon?" My dad croons.
"He hurt me," I blurted out, my mind on the verge of hysterics.
"He what?!" Mom stands and beckons me over to her.
"Damon hurt me, Momma," I whisper and let my tears fall.
"How so?" Mom asks.
"He was asking where I went today, which was to the cafe I frequent," I started to say, "And he kept asking me questions and then he tried to force control over me, but his grip around my waist tightened to the point that I could barely breathe!"
"Oh, my sweet daughter," Mom whispers into my ear, "I'm so sorry this happened to you, how did you get away?"
"I punched him in the face and ran," I murmur.
"That's my girl," Dad said, coming over to us and putting one of his arms around my shoulder.
"Though, you still have to marry him," Mother said.
"WHAT?!" I pulled back, shocked.
"I'm sorry, sweetie but your guys' marriage will form an alliance with Spain," Dad told me apologetically.
"I can't believe you guys!" I screamed at them, "You're still gonna make me marry that piece of sh*t?"
I stormed out of their private chambers and ran to my own. I crash onto my bed and sob as Ellie and Lucy try to comfort me. They hugged me and stroked my hair. They coaxed me to get out of my dress and into a nightgown. I obliged and then got out my phone to message Elliot but I didn't know what to say and put my phone away again. I cried myself to sleep and was plagued by nightmarish dreams about Damon.
The next day I get up and am immediately rushed to the fitting for my wedding dress.

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