Christmas Time

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Kyoko and Makoto have been living a far more peaceful life with the total destruction of Despair that had once festered the world. The world had seemed to be making staggering progress in a more peaceful time. It was early December when the survivors of the first Killing Game had decided to have a reunion in Jabberwock Island. The Ultimate Despair had been revived and turned to Hope and remained on the island.

Makoto had reached out to the island and everyone had seemed to agree that a Christmas reunion was in order. Teruteru was making a Christmas feast and was ecstatic at the idea of showing his thanks for the life they had been regifted. Nagito and Hajime were in charge of the venue to be held in the abandoned building. The deja vu felt by the survivors that retained their memories made them slightly hesitate to choose the location, but they all hoped with all their hearts that it would go great.

The Survivors met up at a dock to set sail to the islands. "So how are they feeling lately?" Hina asked. "They've all been living the life to the best the can. I'm sure it's been hard to be separated from the rest of society" Makoto responded. "Maybe nows the time to bring the idea of bringing them back to, you know, normality." Kyoko spoke up. The six fell into a silence. "It's not like it's a bad idea, but have we seriously had the thought process to actually make a decision?" Hiro questioned.

A few hours later the boat docked and the six were greeted by Sonia. "We've been so excited you brought up the idea to come have a party with us all! The others can't wait to see you all, so we must make haste!" She said quickly turning and striding towards the party destination. When they entered, they were greeted with many people, all overflowing with joy to see all the people that had been vital in bringing them back to life.

The party was a huge success. Nagito was all over Makoto, having him be the main idea of hope in the world. Kyoko was talking to Sonia and Gundham, seemingly attached to the hip, showing of his hamsters to the detective. Byakuya was seemingly bombarded by Akane asking how he got so skinny, forgetting that it was the Ultimate Imposter. Hiro was talking to Nekomaru, both being their goofy selves. Hina was talking to Fuyuhiko and Peko, while Teruteru every time he came into the room with more food ogled and made advances on her, being rejected and eventually ignored. Toko was trying to stay away from everyone, but ended up being approached by Mahiru and Hiyoko seeing her by herself trying to make conversation. Hajime was being dragged by Ibuki to dance with her and Kazuichi was crying to himself in a corner after realizing Sonia was no longer giving him attention.

As the party was nearing an end, Ibuki took the mic saying "If anyone would like to say a few words, I'm sure everyone would be sosososososo grateful!" She was staring at Makoto, but Sonia stepped forward first. "As a princess, I feel entitled to do research on holidays all around the world. Christmas was never prevalent in my life, as I was a very busy person preparing to take control of the crown. I however feel we were unprepared for the idea of bringing presents, and for that I deeply apologize on our behalf." She said ending with a bow.

Makoto had looked around the room at everyone, seemingly upset about forgetting, and his eyes landed on Kyoko. With a slight nod he strode towards the mic and took a deep breathe. "It's honestly not that big of a deal. It was a party to celebrate the ones around us, and for that we are grateful to be graciously treated as we have been today. We however, came prepared with an idea, not a present."

With those words all eyes were in him. "As you all may know, you've previously been labeled the Ultimate Despair. Even through this you have all been outstanding in progress in becoming better. That's a present enough for us. The idea we had, was to integrate you all back into our society." The atmosphere in the building had changed, and Makoto continued.

"I know it's a big shock to have the idea brought up, and we understand if there's a hesitance in agreeing on this proposal. We however feel the progress on its own, gives us enough faith that you guys will thrive in the new world. You don't have to agree right away, but the idea will be in the table until you guys have a definitive answer. If you do end up agreeing, you will all be accepted as teachers at Hope's Peak, with a stable income and housing for the foreseeable future. We hope that you guys will accept, but if you don't, we entirely understand."

The Boat Ride, several hours prior:

"I seriously think it's a risk to have them brought back on short notice" Byakuya broke the silence. "I also have my doubts." Makoto said. "I know how dangerous it could be as well as the culture shock, but I believe it would be best to let them back into the lives of others." "Why?" Toko spoke up. "It could not only be shown as a sign of progress for the total defeat of Despair, but I also feel horrible leaving them on the island like that." Makoto answered.

"What's the plan for their return?" Hina asked. "They could teach at the academy. We can pay then solidly enough to feed them and give them housing. I've thought about this for a while, and it's easily possible with the help of the people." Makoto said. "What if they don't even accept it?" Hiro questioned. "They don't have to. I'm not gonna force them to do anything they don't want to do, it'll only be an offer. If they decide not to come back, they can remain on the island." The boat fell silent once again, and was broken by Kyoko.

"I don't see why we can't give it a try. It's a reasonable assumption that they would want to have the choice to come back instead of seemingly being stuck on the island, even though I don't think they see it that way. I say we bring up the idea of it to them and let them collectively decide." Everyone looked at each other and it seemingly decided to bring it up to the island.

The party was silent again as everyone looked at each other, expectedly uncertain. Hajime cleared his throat at the back of the room and the eyes shifted towards him. Standing tall, he started. "I believe, that the thought of returning is ideal. I would be on board to go back. I however won't go if anyone else doesn't want to. That's how I feel." Silence. "I....I'm not opposed to the idea of coming back. But are we sure it's best for us?" Fuyuhiko spoke up. Before anyone else said anything Makoto started speaking again.

"Like I said, you guys don't need to feel inclined to answer right away. If it would be best, I could give you guys a week and then you could give us an answer." They islands inhabitants nodded to agree. "All right then. I'm sorry to drop that on you all, but I can speak for I'm sure everyone here, that I greatly enjoyed it here. Thank you all again, and I'm sorry if I pissed any of you off. We'll take our leave." They all left, quickly followed by Sonia and Hajime. As they stepped foot in the dock, Sonia spoke up. "To you all. I'm seriously grateful for your arrival here, and for the proposition. We'll take serious consideration on this proposal, and be in touch when we do come up with a decision."

Kyoko stepped forward, took Sonia's hand and looked deep in her eyes. "There's no need to thank us. But you can be assured you will have our continued support when your decision comes about."

"One final question," Hajime started. "How long would it be until we would start at the Academy if we decide to come?"

"However long it takes you to become comfortable. I'm sure it'll be different for all of you, and like Kyoko just said, we'll be there with you all 100% of the way. So please, don't feel pressured to answer right away. Take all the time you guys need. I'll be in touch with you guys. Be to sure send our thanks to everyone back there." Makoto said with a wave, as they all filtered into the boat.

After a long silence amongst the people on the boat, Byakuya spoke up. "I couldn't imagine it going that bad, but you still surprise me Makoto." Makoto remained in silence, but Kyoko spoke up. "We won't know how horrible it went until we get an answer back. So we'll just have to see."

A week later, and Makoto was doing some paper work at the main office when Kyoko came through the door. "What's up?" He said, not looking up. She slid an envelope on his desk with his name on it from Jabberwock Island. He looked at the envelope and then up to Kiri, with a look of uncertainty in his eyes. He opens the letter, and see's the words,

"When will we get a boat to bring us to the New World?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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