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Day 2: Work

Sitting in the headmaster's room, Makoto was sat with many piles of profiles of people wanting to come to the school. He hated choosing between students, as they all could come into the school. But, he had to choose. He could get up to 112 students, to spread them across the day. He easily had thousands of submissions from across the country and others. He had only been through a hundred and he only had been confident in choosing one. It was only the selecting phase. He still had to interview the people he selected, and then see if he needed to chose and interview others.

It had been 2 hours, and Kyoko had come into the office with the piles scattered. "Oh my." Makoto looks up at Kyoko. "People really want in. I don't think I can choose only 100." She nods and picks up a file. "She looks promising." She says to Makoto. "They all do." He said exhausted. She laughed and walked over to him. "I know it's rough. But, you are their beacon of hope. I'm sure they'll understand if you don't choose them." She reassures him. He nods at her, and she smiles back. "Well, if you need me, I'll be a phone call away." She walks out and he goes back to work.

2 more hours go by, and he had made the same progress, now confident in two other people. He felt the work getting to him, and he was starting to get stressed. He felt the walls closing in, and time going by faster. The work was a lot longer than the first 2 hours was, and he was slowly getting more tired. Then suddenly, the door swung open, and the light from the hallway poured in.

"You look rough. How are you feeling?" Kyoko said feeling his head. "I'm pretty tired. I've never felt like this before." He explains to her. She nods and looks around the room. "Have you taken any water breaks?" He shakes his head. "You're probably dehydrated, and overworked. You need to take a break." She tells him. He shakes his head. "No. I have...." He felt himself get lightheaded. "You have to get something to drink. Come on. Let's get you some water." Kyoko tells him. He hadn't seen this side of Kyoko. She had taken a motherly role, like Makoto was a sick child, and she guided him to a fountain.

"Take a drink. Then, we're going to go outside and get some fresh air. Alright?" She asks Makoto. He nods and drinks the water. He was there for 30 seconds drinking. He hadn't felt like he was over drinking, but it was a long time to drink, so he stopped. "Let's go out to the courtyard." She grabs his hand and drags him in the halls. "H-Hey. Please slow down. My head hurts." Makoto mutters. Kyoko looks over at him, and her grip softens. "I'm sorry. I just want you to feel better. But, I'm also angry at you for pushing yourself this far. It isn't healthy, and you're not letting it happen again." She didn't ask if he understood, because she knew he did. They walked around the school, and they made their way outside the school. They see Hina walking inside, and they stop to talk to her.

"What's up guys? Makoto..... you okay? You look rough." She asked concerned. "I..... I'm fine. Just tired." He says to her. "No. He overworked himself and hasn't drank any water. Now he's feeling the cost of his decisions. We're going outside and getting him some fresh air." Kyoko said. Hina nods and looks back at him. "If you need help for whenever you continue, I have nothing else better to do. I'm sure Kyoko would also like to help. Bye now!" She says while skipping away. "Let's go." Kyoko says to Makoto.

They walked into the courtyard, and it was the first time Makoto had seen it finished. It was as beautiful as he imagined. She took him to a bench and sat down. He looked around everywhere. "It's nice isn't it?" Kyoko said. He nods and sits next to her. Her hand finds his, and they interlock. "I never thought the hell we were in would turn into something like this." Kyoko muttered. "Neither did I. But, I'm glad that's behind us. It's refreshing knowing we'll get a fresh start here." Makoto agreed with her. They sat on silence.

"Do you think we were together in high-school? Like before our memories were erased?" Makoto asked suddenly. It had taken Kyoko by surprise. "I have no clue." She answered honestly. "But, I'm sure that our entire class was close. So, anything could have happened." She continued. He nodded and look over at Kyoko. "I...... I'm glad that I can c-call you mine." He stuttered, showing how nervous he was to say that. But, I got to Kyoko, who blushed and turned her head away. "Yeah. Me too. Well, how are you feeling now?" She asks Makoto. "A lot better. Thanks Kiri. Now, am I being excused to continue my work?" He asked sarcastically. "Only if I can help you." She tells him. He nods, and the make their way back to the office. And there they sat for another 2 hours, with water breaks, and went through two more piles.

"Thank you for helping Kiri. With checking on me, and helping me with the work. I would've ignored everything if it wasn't for you." He reaches his hand over to hers and squeezes it. "It was nothing. You're stubborn as hell for pushing yourself that hard." She pulls him in for a sensual kiss. "Well, it's getting late. We'll finish this tomorrow." Kyoko says after looking at her watch. She kisses him again. More passionately. "And we can continue this once we get home." She teases Makoto who blushes. "U-Uhm. I-I....." He sputters. Kyoko looks at him.

"We s-should get going then." He says quietly.

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