25th December: Closure family

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Sunday, 25th December:

Leo: 13; Allison: 10; Scout: 9


"Good morning, Sweeties.", Teddy greeted the excited children. Owen and Amelia had let her sleep in their apartment last night, so she wouldn't miss Christmas morning. Link, his girlfriend, and the kids would come over for lunch later.

"Mama, let's open the presents Santa brought us!", Ally giggled and clapped her hands. "All of us were good this year.", she added, already looking for her gifts. "Daddy, I found one for you.", she informed the redhead.

"Thanks, Honey.", the trauma surgeon chuckled and grabbed the present. "Now look for yours.", he suggested softly. "How did you sleep?", he started small talk with his ex-wife since his girlfriend wasn't downstairs yet; still looking for her camera to take photos.

"Good, thanks for letting me be here for this.", the blonde gratefully replied and opened her arms for Leo to hug her. "My big boy, you grow taller every single day.", she pointed out, making him giggle.

"I know, Mom. But I am still not as tall as you and dad are.", he dramatically sighed. "At least I am taller than mama.", he said, referring to Amelia, who walked into the room right this second.

"Merry Christmas to me, I guess.", she pouted. "You don't have to rub it in all the time, I know I am tiny.", she exaggerated, causing everyone to laugh. "Now get over there and find your gifts, Leo.", she smiled.

Owen was glad that the mother-topic was neither a problem for his girlfriend nor for his ex-wife. Both of them just accepted that Leo saw them as their moms and didn't try to compete about who would become mother of the year.

"Mommy, look!", Scout exclaimed, causing his mama to hand the camera to her boyfriend and kneel beside her son. "I have finally gotten my waterproof binoculars.", he told her excitedly before he got up to show it to Teddy and Owen.

"We can finally improve our exploration sessions outside then.", Allison realized. While her big brother was already being an annoying teenager, who wouldn't come outside with her as much anymore to play, Scout and she loved exploring nature.

"Yes!", the nine-year-old agreed joyfully. "There are more presents for me!", he noticed and put his new device down to unwrap the gifts. "Woah, a tablet?!", he shouted upon seeing Leo hold his new present.

It had taken Amelia and Teddy an eternity to talk Owen into granting their son this certain wish since the trauma surgeon wasn't happy about his kids having too many electronic devices too soon.

But his girlfriend had argued that Leo wanted to use the tablet mainly for games, watching videos and even for studying with learning apps, so he had finally given in and ordered one.

"I have been waiting my whole life for this!", the thirteen-year-old happily screamed. "Thank you!", he beamed, not addressing anyone. He didn't believe in Santa anymore and Allison was about to stop as well, but Scout was still pretty sure that he existed, so he didn't want to blow this for his little brother.

"Can we use it to watch movies in our booth?", the little blonde wondered. He knew he wouldn't get a tablet this young, so he hoped his teenaged brother would kind of share his with them for great adventures like the one he had suggested.

"Of course!", Leo nodded eagerly. "We can, right?", he addressed his parents, by now realizing that they were the ones making the decisions and not him. "Please!", he begged, widening his eyes on purpose.

"After dinner.", Amelia answered. It didn't matter if they watched their movie in the living room or in the booth, even though this meant that the adults would end up with backpain. But maybe they just wouldn't watch with the kids. "Here's one for you.", she smiled at Teddy as the children continued unwrapping their gifts.

"Thanks.", the cardio surgeon also offered her counterpart a smile. She could see how much the brunette had been trying throughout the whole December and she was so thankful for it. "Over there is one for you guys.", she informed the couple. "Merry Christmas."


a/n: As Teddy just said: Merry Christmas! Writing this advent calendar has been fun, I just think I'll start writing the next one in September or October lol, because in the end, it has become kinda stressful. And also, I am too ambitious to upload a chapter too late...so, it was hard sometimes, but I did it and I hope I could make your December a little more special. I am gonna go on break now for the rest of this year and we'll see each other in 2023. Love you all!

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