34 Part 2

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"Hey Starry, just to remind you that I do need to go into work for a couple hours so Chris is going to help you with your homework and make you some dinner. I will be back when you start eating dinner then I will help you with your shower before you get into some nice pajamas. And, we can hang up your pictures together.?" Melissa informed, making sure to chronologically list the sequence of events so Star knew what to expect.

"Yeah, what do you think of some mac cheesy for dinner? You haven't had that for awhile! You can help me measure the milk and the cheese if you'd like!" Chris offered, watching some concern begin to spread across Star's face as he reached into the back seat and grabbed Star's backpack, watching Melissa unbuckle Star from the car seat and help her down.

"And after you're in your pajamas, a nice lady or man social worker is going to come over and ask us some questions. "

"Not the old social worker who came to our house that one time. No. Not him at all. Someone different. Someone nice." Chris quickly clarified, turning around to hold the door open for Star and Melissa only to see Star's face turn as pale as a ghost.

"Is that okay sweetie? I'm sorry to have sprung the social worker on you. I know you were just planning on spending the afternoon with Chris." Melissa apologized, now handing her foster daughter towel to dry her hands.

Star accepted the towel, wiping her hands dry before hanging it up and gently patting her foster mom's leg. It's okay Mwissa. Don't be sad.

Melissa smiled down at her foster daughter, gently brushing Star's hair out of her eyes. Sweet girl. I love you Starry.

"Alright! I think we have some pictures to hang! Why don't we say goodbye to Melissa and you can spend some time relaxing in your room! Maybe you can show Greenie and Bubbles their pictures before we hang them up later!" Chris suggested, knowing that his wife needed to leave for work.

Star nodded, before giving Melissa another gentle pat on the leg and scampering off to her room. I hope Greenie and Bubbles like it! They are friends now! Like me and Emery!

"You're good for a few hours?" Melissa asked, grabbing her bag and pocketing her car keys before turning around to give Chris a quick kiss. "Come on Farley. Let's go!" She called to her faithful Jack Russell Terrier who hopped off the couch and trotted over to Melissa's side before allowing Melissa to clip the leash on.

"Yes, we will be fine. I will call you if we need anything but she's been doing better these days. We'll see you when you get back." Chris reassured, kissing his wife and waving as she walked out the door. Alright Chris. You got this. I'm sure it will be just fine... it's not like Star's never had daddy daughter time before...


Star stood at the top of the stairs with her comfort blanket at her lips, gently rubbing the rough fabric back and forth in a way that soothed her nerves. Chris is not scary. Chris is good. I like Chris. She made her way down the stairs but once she got to the entrance of the kitchen, she stopped, her feet glued to the floor, her muscles tight. She could feel sweat begin to gather on her skin.

"Hey Star! Are you ready to get some homework done? " Chris exclaimed, straightening up after placing Star's backpack and a cup of pencils on the kitchen table before he noticed Star's body language. He slowed his pace, noticing Star tense as he drew near. "Are you okay?" He asked, his voice soft and gentle, keeping his pace of speech slow in an effort to keep her calm.

Star fidgeted in place, threading her comfort blanket through her fingers, her left shoulder nearly up by her ear as she stood there, sweating and unable to move or respond. "I fine." She whispered in response, flicking her gaze upwards at her foster dad for a split second before looking away once more.

Finding Family  |Adopted by Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood|Where stories live. Discover now