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"This is Dennis, my team mate who I was telling you about."

Jehan Daruvala smiled at his friend as he introduced her to his team mate that was Dennis Hauger.

"Hello, nice to meet you."

Dennis greeted the young woman with a small wave and a friendly smile, since he had heard a lot about her from the Daruvala man.

"Hi Dennis, I am Uma."

Uma Sharma smiled politely at the boy, noticing how he did not extend his hand until she had held her hand out herself, which made her smile grow even more.

Jehan gently tapped the Sharma girl on her shoulder, making her turn around to see a small group of people walking towards her, taking her by surprise.

"Why is everybody coming to meet me?" Uma whispered to the Indian boy beside her, seeing him chuckle lightly.

"Marcus has probably told them that Mr Sharma's daughter is here." Jehan spoke in a soft tone to her, not wanting her to become anxious. "Do you want me to make them go away?"

"I can do it." Dennis spoke as his eyes drifted over the young woman, seeing her hesitate momentarily.

"No no. I can meet them, but I can't have my father seeing me with them. I'm only supposed to be with Jehan when I'm not with him." Uma explained as she began to wring her hands together, since the three of them were quite open and could see a lot of different people.

"We'll go to Marcus' trailer, he won't mind." Jehan carefully placed his hand on the girls shoulders, trying to reassure her.

He knew just how strict her father was.

Mr Sharma was not a fan of Western Men, because he believed that most if not all of them would try to take advantage of his daughter if they were to be near her without supervision.

He believed that Jehan, being Indian, was the only suitable match for her, and despite his multiple attempts to set the two of them up together, was unsuccessful.

However, he did trust Jehan to be the only man around her, even when he wasn't with them.

Jehan knew that he would be getting in to trouble if Mr Sharma discovered that he abused that trust but all he had wanted to do was to show Uma the world that she was barely able to see.

So, he took the risks.

"Are you sure he won't mind?"

Uma questioned before she heard the voice of the Hitech driver walking in to his trailer with some of his friends beside him.

"My favorite Sharma! I guess this is where you're going to be now when you're not with your father." Marcus Armstrong greeted the young woman as he walked in to his trailer, shooting a wink to the Daruvala boy.

"This is Mr Sharma's daughter?"

Oscar Piastri questioned in surprise as his eyes fell upon the brunette, seeing her dark eyes scouring over each and every person who was entering the trailer.

"The one and only." Jehan chuckled, before he recieved a text message on his phone, making him pull it out of his pocket to read it.

"I'm Oscar."

Jehan watched carefully as the two of them shook hands, making sure that she didn't look or act as if she was uncomfortable, since he knew that she had a tendency to not speak up if she was actually feeling uncomfortable.

"And I am Arthur, it is great to meet you." Arthur Leclerc smiled, since he had been visiting his friends for the day and had decided to meet the daughter of the infamous Mr Sharma.

Uma froze in her spot as the arms of the Leclerc boy were wrapped around her, his lips pressing gently to the both of her cheeks in greeting.

"Arthur." Jehan spoke quietly, gaining the boys attention. "No."

Arthur's eyes widened as he noticed the Indian boys head shaking from side to side, causing him to immediately pull back away from her, a look of guilt filling his face.

"I am so sorry, please forgive me."

Uma gently shook her head from side to side, a small smile that seemed to be forced starting to form on her face.

"You are forgiven." She nodded gently at him, seeing his face fill with relief.

She had only ever recieved one hug before in her life, so she never really knew what to do during them, to the point where she would just freeze as if she was a statue made of stone.

She could see out of the corner of her eye that Jehan was watching her closely, and discretely sent him a thumbs up to let him know that she was going to be okay.

"Where's Dennis?" Marcus questioned thr Daruvala boy as the two of them watched the Sharma girl closely.

"He's keeping her father busy." Jehan smirked at the Armstrong boy, knowing that Dennis had volunteered to distract Mr Sharma so that Uma could meet their friends.

"He does know that all Mr Sharma talks about is how much he hates people who aren't Indian, right?" Marcus frowned, since he knew that Mr Sharma was not as nice as people often made him out to be.

"Yeah he knows. I told him how to distract him so he talks about his business instead."

The two of them chuckled and laughed together, not noticing how another face was introducing themselves to the young Sharma.

"Uh, hi Miss Sharma."

A blonde haired boy greeted the woman politely, placing both of his hands together and bowing slightly, like he had seen Jehan do before.

"Hello there." Uma smiled in happiness, very surprised by the gesture that he had just done, since it was only mainly Indians and Hindis that did it.

"Uh, I'm Liam. It's really nice to meet you, Miss."

Liam Lawson smiled back at her, finding her smile infectious already. His smile grew wider as he watched her bow at him, her palms flat against each other.

"Please, call me Uma, Miss makes me feel like my mother." Uma giggled lightly, her eyes sparkling brightly at the Lawson boy.

"Uh, do you by any chance walk to come on a walk with me? I can make sure that your father doesn't see you with a white boy." Liam smiled, lifting one of his hands to rub at the back of his neck awkwardly.

"If I can get some food along the way, then yes." Uma smiled at him, seeing wrinkles forming around his eyes as he beamed at her.

Uma glanced quickly to Jehan, seeing a childlike grin on his face, his head nodding up and down slightly as he noticed that she was going to walk with the Lawson boy.

He chuckled as she rolled the brown of her eyes at him.

"Follow me, Uma."



Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everybody!

Update 2 of Christmas day,

So what do you think of this?

Please do check out all of my other books because I feel like they deserve some love and some comments

Also please check out my meet my ocs books, Calmness of the mind, which has all of my current ocs in, and Calm before the storm which has my future ocs for books I will be releasing next year in

In the next few days, I will be dropping a third meet my ocs book which will have even more of my future ocs in, so look out for that!!!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I'll see you all soon for the next one

Happy Holidays

I'm so proud of all of you my loves,

Love you all


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