5 - Evelynn

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POV: Evelynn

The next morning, I quickly make my way out the house again, ready to tell Mr. Burton I accept. I've walked the path of the forest many times now, my footsteps can still be seen in the slightly moist soil which creates a path through the plants and trees. The morning sun is almost coming up, making its way through the trees and lighting up the forest, showing off it's beauty even more.

Once the house comes into view, I make my way up the steps. When lifting my hand to knock at the door, I notice that it's still slightly open. I push the door open a bit further and look into the dark home. It hasn't changed a bit, still looking as if the sun will never be able to make its way through these windows. I push the door further open to see if the maid is nearby, but I don't see him. I walk into the home and hear noises coming from the left room, the family room of the house.

I slowly make my way through the hallway, cautious, because I don't want the maid to send me away because of my horrible manners. As my eyes adjust to the darkness, I see who it is that I'm walking towards. His back is turned to me, and the slight light from the candles reflect on his back, revealing his muscles and well-trained body.

He suddenly turns around, as if he heard my quiet breathing, "Good morning, Mr. Burton", I say while giving him a slight smile. It was a mistake just walking into his home like this, he probably just woke up and most certainly did not expect my presence yet.

"Evelynn", he says, "You came back." He sounds surprised. But I cannot tell if it is really because I came back, or if it's the state I found him in. He seems off, his powerful demeanour is missing, but then again, so is his top blouse, giving my eyes a free view to roam over his top-naked body. I respectfully try to keep my eyes up, but then I notice some bruises on his face, A bloody cut that cannot be missed.

"Are you okay, Sir? You seem to be bleeding." I take a few steps towards him and the couch, wanting to take a closer look at his wound. He waves me off, "Nothing to worry about. Take a seat, would you like some tea?" He points to the couch and slowly makes his way to a tea tray which stands on a side table.

I carefully watch his steps as I sit down, he daps the bloody wound with a white cloth and pours the tea in two cups. The tea is surprisingly still hot, did he expect guests? Which guests would he have prepared for, looking like this?

When MR. Burton sets the tea down, the maid walks in. He doesn't speak, but gives Mr. Burton a side eye when he notices my presence. "I will be right back, Evelynn, enjoy your tea." Mr. Burton says and walks out of the room together with the maid. The maid gives me one last look while helping Mr. Burton walk into the hallway, he is definitely in bad shape.

As I sit only in the family room, I take a look at all the props and antiques around, but something also starts to worry my mind. The first rule of the job I am about to accept, is to not get curious, I remember well. But what if this job is so dangerous I will end up like Mr. Burton? He said it was just visiting locations and talking to people, like a massager or a spokes-woman. This job seems to have dangers I had not thought of before, Mirstone never had anything happen, except for the occasional neighbourly discussions.

"Thank you for waiting, did you not like the flavour of tea? You barely took a sip." Mr. Burton walks back into the room. He seems completely fine again, or this man can mask his pain very well. Even the bruises on his face have disappeared, it's like if they were never there, but I thought I had seen them, or was it a play of the bare light in this room?

"Oh yes, I was wondering, will this job be dangerous?" He gives me a look, "No, I just did not expect guests this morning, and as you can see now. I'm perfectly fine, and you will be too, if you accept my job, and follow my rules.

He pours himself a new cup of tea and sits down at the chair across from me.

"Then I accept, I've not changed my mind." The words leave my mouth and the laughs, "You wear such a kind smile, which cause your words to lose it's power, Evelynn." Is he making fun of me for accepting a job from him?

"Are you sure you can handle this? Mere minutes ago, you seemed afraid"

Frustrated I scoff, "If you don't believe I can handle this, then let me show you." I set my cup down on the table and stand up. "Give me the hardest task you have right now, and I will prove you wrong, Sir."

Deal with the DevilOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz