Chapter 2~ That was truly embarrassing!

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The strange guy with the split colored hair was standing in front of the edgy blondie, looking down at him, menacingly.

Bakugou felt intimidated, yet charmed by the mere presence of the icy-hottie.

Hmm, doesn't seem like such a bad nickname huh?

The mysterious cold boy looked almost confused as to why he was seeing this strange, angry-issues having guy again? Was it fate that brought them to the same place? Or is it just merely a coincidence? Who knows? Am I right?

Icy-hot then looked away swiftly and coldly from the pitiful Bakugou, who was completely wrenched in sweat. He was struggling to breath properly. He then broke the silence and slowly opened the door to classroom 1-A.

Bakugou just stood there, frozen, confused as to why he was also seeing that strange guy again, and most importantly, why are they in the same class? He wasn't complaining though. Or was he? He wasn't completely sure. One part of him- the stubborn side, completely refused to accept the fact that he may have finally found someone who charmed him, even  though they barely just met. While the other part of him was kind of amused and excited that he finally found someone worth his time and his precious gaze.

Either way- none of this really mattered at the moment because he was extremely late to his first day of school. That by itself wouldn't really be a big deal to him normally, but this isn't a normal day, nor is this a normal school, this is UA, one- if not the best school for heroes in training in the whole entire world! And he wouldn't let some silly half-ice half-flame charismatic, handsome, attractive, majistic, mythical, pretty, striking, stunning, amazing-looking, breathtaking, fetching, lovely, pleasing, sculpture-looking-

"So you're mister Bakugou Katsuki, huh?"

"Huh?" Exclaimed Bakugou confused. He suddenly snapped back to reality, he had been standing in front of the classroom daydreaming about that boy for over 3 minutes now.

"Care to explain why you were late at your first day at school?" Said a depressed looking man with unbrushed jet black hair and a large scarf that looks like it hasn't been washed in years around his pale neck, in fact this whole individual looks like he hasn't slept or bathed in decades.

"Do you think this is some kind of normal public middle school or something?" He raised his voice at the confused Bakugou.

"No, sorry teach!" Bakugou said, he felt utterly humiliated, especially because the teacher shouted at him in front of the pretty boy AND in front of that pitifully annoying boy, Izuko Midoryia. Bakugou used to heavily bully and harass the poor boy in middle school, to the point where he almost committed suicide one time because of the explicit and continuious bullying. And to think that he would be at the same rank and class as the almighty Bakugou! He whom doesn't even have a quirk! How utterly pathetic.

Bakugou took a seat in front of some goofy guy with spiky red hair as he grenched his teeth.


A/N: Hiiii again reader!!! I took a LOOOOONG break hehe.... I honestly forgot about this whole fanfic😭 But here I am! I hope you enjoyed this♡

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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