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With many Decathlon competitions back-to-back, three of which we had won, MJ and I decided to confine ourselves to a cup of coffee at the local coffeehouse. We were seated at a two-seated wooden table by the window, reading our books and waiting for our orders. 

"If I was desperate I would work here if I could, there's a nice view, quiet music, and all you do is make coffees," MJ was saying. She must have been exhausted since she was rambling. Most of it was nonsense and gibberish. Only then was I listening and paying attention. 

I glanced out the window with my hand pressed against my chin. It was fascinating to my sleep-deprived mind to watch New Yorker citizens hurry down the sidewalk. 

"Yeah," I said subconsciously fidgeting with my gloves, no longer gazing out the window. 

MJ opened her mouth to speak, but she was kindly interrupted by a waiter with our coffees in his hands, which were made in thermal reusable coffee cups we had remembered to bring that day.  My best friend's was black with yellow daisies while mine was plain (favourite/colour). 

He placed them on the table and gave us a small smile before he left. I gave him a smile back. He couldn't have been older than seventeen. He was kind of cute too.

I turned to my coffee and tilted my head at my friend. She stammered and made unidentifiable noises at her drink. All I knew was that she wasn't happy.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"I ordered an iced caramel cappuccino," she began.

"Yeah, and?"

MJ sighed and brushed some of her wild curls from her face. "This is a normal caramel cappuccino, that's not what I ordered," she quietly protested. 

"Maybe the person taking down the orders made a mistake? Or the person reading it misread it, I don't know," I suggested. 

"What do I do? Ask the manager to get their business straight?" she satirically questioned. I took a sip of my coffee. At least mine was right.

She stood up. "Wait," I said. She sat back down. 

A far-fetched and completely crazy idea came to mind. I glanced around the shop and MJ copied. Can't ever be too careful, right? 

Quickly, I unclipped my leather gloves from my (non-dominant/hand) and froze the drink from outside the cup. In an instant, it turned from steaming hot to slushie-like cold., Soft enough to drink but frozen enough to hold. Frost particles were prematurely left on it, but it didn't matter. 

MJ's jaw dropped. I hadn't seen her like that since the day she found out that there were Maze Runner movies in the making. Immediately, she removed the lid and gawked. 

"H⎯how did you do that?" She said, almost too loud. 

I shushed her and slid the glove back onto my hand. "Not here."

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