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Those next two days, I didn't sleep very well. I had the occasional nap, but I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned in my bed, finding each position uncomfortable. The room was cold but I didn't want to get up and turn on the heater, so I suffered in silence. The cold was bothering me and it usually didn't. 

My mind was preoccupied. Lovestruck.

Thinking about it later, I was lovestruck. Although, if you had asked me then, I would have immediately denied it. All I could think about was the kiss, the possible dates, the friendship, the comfortable silence. It wasn't how I wanted to begin 2017. 

Nothing about Spider-Man would add up. 

On the second of January, my birthday, I was buried under my sheets with my headphones playing This Town by Niall Horan, Fool For You by ZAYN and slow boyband songs about love on repeat. 

I was frightened and scared, but I didn't know why. The thought of Spider-Man now made me feel uneasy. Whenever I thought of him, I would shake and the usual warm colour of my cheeks would drain. 

It was just a kiss, I reminded myself. As I dozed off, the comfortable darkness from my blanket cover was compromised as someone pulled off the sheets. Sunlight blinded my eyes and I covered my head with my pillow. Someone had opened the blinds. 

Who was cheery on a morning like this? 

My headphones and pillow were ripped from my head. "Wake up! It's a big, big day!" A voice exclaimed, throwing my quilt (comforter) across the room. 

"What? Am I in the Hunger Games or something?" I mumbled, expecting the voice had belonged to Wade. 

I opened my eyes and sat up, and instead of my enthusiastic uncle, were my two favourite siblings, Harley and Abbie. Immediately I leapt onto the two of them and hugged them. 

My hair was knotted and in the most questionable positions. "What are you guys doing here?" I exclaimed. 

"It's your birthday!" Harley replied.

"What, no, it isn't. My birthday is next week," I said, trying to trick the boy.

He rolled his eyes. "Happy Birthday!" Abbie exclaimed happily. 

Harley sat on my desk chair as Abbie remained attached to my hip. "How did you get into my apartment?" I asked with a frown.

"We have the backup key," Abbie replied.

"Yeah, we're here to celebrate your birthday," Harley said, pointing out the obvious. "Then you would say, 'Oh my god, I don't know what to say, I love you guys so much!'" he mocked me and I scoffed. 

"Harley," Abbie said firmly, shooting him a glare.

He proceeded to mock me by fanning his hands around his face and only lipsynced when he thought I'd say as a typical teenager. 

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