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(Some smut is included in this, just letting you guys know)

You wake up randomly at three in the morning and start looking around, knowing you're not in your room, but soon you remember that you're...sleeping with your principal.

Y/N POV: Why does she look so cute while sleeping?! Just looking at her makes me crave her touch and affection.

You gently shake her until she wakes up.

Larissa: Is there something you need, darling?

Y/N: N-no...well yes.

Larissa: What is it?

Y/N: I NEED YOU! I want you...

You immediately hide your face into the pillows out of embarrassment.

Larissa: y/n, don't forget I'm your principal.

"But I need you, I need your love...please." you say in a soft voice which is sort of muffled by the pillows covering your face.

Larissa: Come here.

Y/N: No.

Larissa: y/n, come here right now.

You turn your head out from the pillows to stare at her, you then crawl over to her side in the bed.

Larissa: Don't be embarrassed.

Y/N: Why? It's not like you feel the same.

She then grabs your hips and pulls you forward, causing your lips and hers to meet.

You let out a small moan, which is silenced by her lips pressing against yours. She pulls away and slips her hand into your underwear and circles your clit, she sometimes stops just to tease you. She grabs the covers and moves in between your thighs, pulling the blankets over. You feel a sensation unlike any you've felt before because of her tongue licking between your legs, soon she starts sucking on your clit and putting her fingers inside of you, causing your head to jolt back from the pleasure she is giving you.

Once she is done she moves out from under the covers licking her fingers.

Y/N: oh my god...

"My love, are you alright?" she says, smirking.

Y/N: I'm better than alright when I'm with you.

Larissa: Go back to bed, alright?

Y/N: Alright but...

Larissa: What is it?

Y/N: Principal Weems I-

She cuts you off and says, "My love, call me Larissa." you blush then start to continue.

Y/N: I just wanted to say I-I...love you.

You stare at her a moment, noticing she's blushing, you've never seen her blush before.

Larissa: Darling, I love you too.

You smile and lay down as she pulls you into her arms.

Larissa: Goodnight.

Y/N: Goodnight Larissa.

(This is my first time making a story on Wattpad, I really hope you guys enjoy this)

Larissa Weems x Y/N    ~A secret love~Where stories live. Discover now