part 1 - betrayal of a lover

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Zhou zishu's body dropped to the ground, feeling numb as his knees couldn't support his weight anymore. The slightest wind that brushed against his open wound made him winced. He stopped himself from completely laid on the ground, using his sword, he tried to sit straight.

"You bastard.." zhou zishu was already at the verge of losing voice. His body was at the weakest, he couldn't even move no more. Yet his heart was boiling, seeing the bastard zhao jing stood in front of him proudly with bodyguards surrounded the whole place, he wants to kill them. He wants to shove his sword into zhao jing's throat, slice the neck of those bastards that were watching him slowly dying with no mercy.

But he couldn't, and he regretted not being able to.

However, his biggest regret yet was not seeing his lover before he died. His beloved, wen kexing went to town an hour ago, and still not yet back. They were supposed to celebrate his birthday together after this. He had already wore the clothes that wen kexing gave to him as a present when they first became a lover. How unfortunate of him to get surrounded by zhao jing's people, the emperor, who he had suspected took a liking to his lover.

Zhao jing sneered, looking at the helpless figure before him so proudly like he was taking pride in killing him. "Don't be mad at me. You should be mad at your lover. It was all his plan. Wen kexing's..plan."

Zhou zishu froze. Zhao jing's statement made his blood go cold, eyes shot up in anger. How dare this bastard trying to accuse his lover like that! "Shut up! Don't you dare utter his name with your filthy mouth, you bastard!"

The smile on zhao jing's face vanished. He walked towards zhou zishu, crouched down to be on the same eye level with him. "Are you a fool? Do you trust him that much? That was your mistake, zhou zishu. Wen kexing did not love you, never. He admired your beauty, but I made him realized that his beauty was unmatched. He is the prettiest, and he deserves only great things in his life. But you, you had nothing, zhou zishu.."

"Bastard! Do you think I would trust you? I know him well. He's not like that." If zhou zishu still have a small bit of energy left to move, he would've already gave this man a big slap on his face. "I know you like him, you adore him. But he didn't even want to look at you. So leave him alone you pathetic piece of shit!"


He fell to the ground right after receiving a slap from zhao jing. His head was spinning, it hurts like hell. The stinging sensation from the cuts on his body slowly ripping him apart. His eyes couldn't stay open for so long. He knew his time was almost up.

"To choose to believe or not, it's up to you. But I was telling the truth. Oh-" zhao jing turned around when he heard approaching footsteps behind him. He smiled, when he saw the figure he was waiting for. "Here he is. Come here, you need to watch the show."

Zhou zishu slowly trying to open his eyes. As soon his eyes met with his loved ones who was looking at him with his eyes widened, he felt relief. He could see wen kexing before he took his last breath. He could see zhao jing's hideous angry look after wen kexing told him the truth before he closed his eyes forever.

How wonderful..

How fortunate..

However, the next scene happened made his heart dropped in an instant. Before his eyes, zhou zishu saw how zhao jing put his hand on wen kexing's shoulder, and the man did not push him away and ran to him as he was supposed to. In his blurry vision, zhou zishu saw wen kexing smiled, smiling mercilessly while looking at his helpless figure on the ground after zhao jing whispered something in his ears.

Realizing the truth in zhao jing's words made him want to take his own life right at the moment. The humiliation was too much for him to bear. The betrayal was even more painful than the bruises and cuts on his body. In fact, he couldn't even feel it anymore. His body trembled in wrath, there was no more admiration when he looked at his lover, the only left in his heart was hatred. He was disgusted. Both of them, disgust him to the core.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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