-Runaways And Rocks-

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Missy sunk to the ground, resting the back of her head against the tree she was leaning on with a groan. Why'd it have to be a freaking war? Why not just- a neighbourly squabble? Why'd everyone else have to get dragged into it? She buried her head in her hands with an annoyed hiss. And why did we have to side with Stratos?

Her father had just told her and Ivon that their empire was going to war with Chromia, who had declared war on Stratos. Apparently they were siding with Stratos, which Missy was fine with (the war sounded fun- it was a big adventure as far as she was concerned).

Until she was told that the Evermoore and Glimmergrove were on the side of Chromia. Namely, the empires ruled by Rose's mothers.

Missy sighed, pausing. Is that... footsteps? She jumped to her feet, reaching for her sword- or at least where her sword would normally be. It appeared that she'd dropped it when she ran off. The blonde glanced around with an irritated expression before shrugging and grabbing a pointy stick on the ground next to her. "Who's there?!" She yelped, waving it around wildly.

The pirate heard a snicker of laughter from nearby, and she spun around to see Rose watching her with a somewhat sad smile. The dark-haired girl's face was wet with tears, but she was still laughing at the sight of Missy spinning around and waving a stick threateningly.

Missy dropped the stick immediately, nudging it away with her foot as her face flushed bright red with embarrassment. Wait- "What are you doing here?" She asked quietly. The war. Fun.

"I..." Rose shrugged awkwardly. "I don't think my moms were very smart with their decision to get involved in the war- especially on the opposite side to you! So I might have... run away. Kind of." The dark haired girl said with a laugh, wiping her eyes.

Missy brightened slightly. "So you ran away to Eversea?" She asked excitedly.

"Pretty much. I don't know anyone from other empires." Rose paused with a thoughtful expression. "Tell a lie- I know Sol and Viola Myth from Sanctuary, but they're on the opposite side as well, and I don't know them very well."

"Well that's- great! But... won't your moms come looking for you?" The blonde added quietly.

Rose shrugged. "I don't care. I'm not going with them if they insist on being in this war- and on the wrong side as well! Stratos didn't even do anything." She protested loudly, looking annoyed again.

"I know, I know- but hey, at least you're here with me now?" Missy smiled, and Rose paused before smiling back at her and pulling her into a hug.


Sol glanced back at his father with a mildly concerned expression. "Don't you think it's a bit too early in the war to be picking sides? I mean, you don't even like wars!" The brunette protested uneasily. "You're all for peace, Papa!"

The protector of Sanctuary sighed. "I know, I know, but... Joel's my friend. And Scott was unjustified in declaring war on him! Besides, cariño, it's only so we can have some protection till this whole thing ends. They'll see sense soon, and besides, I'm planning a festival to hopefully bring about some peace- your sister is out gathering some supplies right now, actually. I think she just wanted some time to herself." His father added. "Normally she'd avoid helping like the plague."

"That is true. I just think that this is a bad idea, Papa. It can't end well!" Sol protested with a frown.

"Trust me, Sol. Va a estar bien." The brunette added, unintentionally slipping into Spanish. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes, of course, but-"

"Then trust me when I say it's going to be fine." His father said with a reassuring smile.

Sol hesitated slightly before smiling back. "Confío en ti. Vale, Papa." He said quietly.

The anxious thoughts were still there at the back of his mind, but at that moment it felt like he could do nothing- his thoughts felt as insignificant as a whisper in a windstorm.

The safety of Sanctuary is more important than my overthinking. He brightened. I'm sure everything will be fine.


Ashley kicked the rock that she had tripped on with an irritated hiss. Stupid rock. She looked up as she heard footsteps.

"Who's there?" The blonde rolled her eyes at the sound of Val's voice, stepping out from her hiding place.

"Hey, Val. Why are you-" Ashley brought up her hand, catching the rock that flew towards her head. "-throwing rocks at me?" Oli's daughter finished with an amused expression.

The half goblin relaxed slightly. "Oh, it's just you, Ashley. I thought it might be someone coming to attack us."

"Maybe it is." Ashley teased, grinning.

"No it's not! Both of your dads are siding with Stratos. So are mine." Val protested. "Wait- you're messing with me, aren't you?"

"Ladies, gents and everybody in-between, she's a genius!" The blonde announced sarcastically, grinning and catching another rock as it flew towards her shoulder. "Stop throwing rocks at me!"

"Stop being annoying then." Val said bluntly. "What are you here for, anyway?"

"Just wanted to say hi. My dad's all panicky about the war and it's getting a bit overwhelming so I left." Ashley said with a shrug.

"Ohhh. That makes sense. I mean, I was gonna head to the Underground Market if you wanna come with me." The dark-haired girl suggested.

"The place run by our opposition in the war? Great idea, what could go wrong?" Ashley said, one eyebrow raised.

"Well- I was just gonna run in and grab my stock. Don't want to give the other side any more access to gunpowder, do I?" Val retorted sharply.

"Fair enough. Let's go then!" Ashley cheered.

"Okay I guess." Val said with a shrug, leading her away.

"Why's it even called the Underground Market? It's not even underground. It's in my dad's bridge."

"You know what- you make a fair point."

Spanish Translations (I used google translate so these might be wrong)-

cariño- sweetheart

Va a estar bien- It's going to be fine

Confío en ti. Vale, Papa- I trust you. Okay, Dad.

Hope you enjoyed :>

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