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Earth 20XX

Inside a Cafe in Japan

Inside a Cafe in Japan

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The Cafe

A young man with purple hair can be seen drinking coffee while having conversation with the Bar Tender

A young man with purple hair can be seen drinking coffee while having conversation with the Bar Tender

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(The young man. imagine he is wearing a bat wings like cape and a black coat underneath it. He also has purple eyes. Also imagine that his coat covers all of his skin, and it has long sleeves) (also he has light brown skin color)

 Also imagine that his coat covers all of his skin, and it has long sleeves) (also he has light brown skin color)

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(The Bar Tender)

Bartender: And then he died after getting with volleyball to the face!!

???: Hahaha. I'm sure Cu is doing fine. After all, he revives after every time he gets killed.

Bartender: Yeah, I guess you have a point. But still, I feel bad for him, Mr Camazotz. Its bad enough that golden douche calls him a dog. And he has to suffer like every episode!! Can't he catch a break.

Camazotz: Hahaha! Yeah I guess you are right. But please don't call me Mr.Camazotz. that's my dad's name. Just call me Alistair, Ms Nekoarc.

Neokoarc: OK. But please don't call me Ms again. Just Nekoarc is fine.

Alistair: Alright then, Nekoarc. BTW anything else interesting happening now a day?

Nekoarc: Nah, its been normal after the Carnival Ended.

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