Invaders Know Nothing

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I was standing at the edge of the boat watching the other ship in the distance.

"What do you think it is?" I asked.

Nate was silent as she was looking through her spyglass, "Yeah, it's pirates."

"And?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, they're headed this way." She lowered the spyglass, "Perfect, Heart's been complaining and you're running low."

"Alright, I'll get everything ready." I said.

I jumped over the railing down from the helm and to the deck below.

"Listen up! This is not a drill!" I called out, "Get ready for a fight!"

"Puppeteer! Get to your ass to your station now!" Shasumi called out, "Ben, get the captain!"

I watched as Ben began hurrying off to get Slender.

"Alright, Jeff. Time for you to prove yourself useful." Jon started, "I already taught you what to do, so get to it."

"Jack!" Jacob seemed distressed.

"I know, it's fine." I grabbed him, "Go downstairs and to the store room, hide behind the barrels, okay?"

"What about Ed and Ben?" He asked.

"They've been here for over a year, they know how to defend themselves." I said, "I haven't had time to teach you yet, so go hide for now."

"Okay." He agreed quickly.

He started running off to the stairs. I looked around to see that everyone was now hiding off to make it seem like no one was on the ship, I ran across the deck and slid behind some nearby barrels, now we were all hiding. I listened as the other ship grew closer to ours, then I saw a boarding dock hit our railing, meaning they fell for the ruse yet again. I watched as some pirates began boarding the boat next to me.

"It looks completely abandoned." One of them said.

"Surrender!" Someone shouted.

He was met by silence, no one replied to him at all.

"Huh, weird." One commented.

"Wonder what happened to the crew." Another added.

"They're all in Davy Jones's locker at this point." One sighed, "Let's look for their stores and booty."

I watched and waited as more were entering the ship, Shasumi had already put the lattice covers over the stairs so they'd have a hard time getting downstairs. I looked at the dock to see a shadow pause on it, then zoom across it and onto the other boat, that's when I stood up and stood on the boarding dock, knowing no one else would be coming to our ship. I saw Rachel on top of the mast with Ally getting ready to take some lives.

"Attention trespassers. You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" Ben asked loudly, "You've entered a ship where we take no captives."

"A... child?" One of the pirates asked.

"Heh... hehe..." One of the others began to chuckle, "You really think we'd be scared of someone like you? You're a child."

"Yeah, kids aren't that scary usually." I spoke up quickly.

Everyone turned around and looked at me.

"That is until they see that." I pointed.

They all turned around and saw Slender now looming over Ben, I jumped down quickly and grabbed one of the guys standing in front of me, I quickly slit his throat with my claws. Everyone began jumping out of hiding and going after the invaders. Rachel threw a rope down from up on a sail post, which wrapped around one of the invader's ankles, she jumped over the sail post and began pulling him up. Brian was walking around shooting people with his blunderbuss with no worries in the world. Jay was weaving easily through the crowd of people stabbing their legs to keep them from running. Tim was picking up literally everything around him to knock their heads in. Angel had her sword drawn and was slicing off heads easily. Jon wasn't present because he was making sure the cannons were ready just in case the other ship started firing. And Jeff was proving his worth by easily dealing with the masses. Everyone else who wasn't present was already on the other ship. I watched the bloodbath pleased as everyone was enjoying their slaughter spree, but I was keeping an eye out for the perfect donor, the perfect specimen.

Across The Waves (EJ x Ticci Toby Pirate/Siren AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن