Prmise me this, you wont mourn a day, and youll move onto someone else.

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Sasaki unlocks the door to his and Miyanos shared apartment, giddy with the idea of getting to hang out with his boyfriend after a long day of work at the library.

Opening the door and calling out that he was home, he waited for his boyfriend to run up to him or at the least say hello. But that doesn't come.

The first thing Sasaki noticed was a note on the dining room table, stained with tears.

A feeling of dread washed over him as he say the bathroom door closed, with red tinted water slowly coming out from the crack in the bottom of the door.

Rushing over to the bathroom and trying to open the door, Sasaki was screaming at the top of his lungs.


He yelled out, sobbing uncontrollably. He knew it was pointless to tell him to open the door but he was panicking and hysterical.

Breaking the door open with his shoulder and all his strength, he saw the worst possible image he's ever in his life saw.

There was his boyfriend, fully clothed in the bathtub that's overflowing with water, with red lines up his arm.

With a broken sob, Sasaki rushed over to the bathtub and grabbed Miyano by his shoulders. Pulling him up into his arms, Sasaki grabbed for a towel to put pressure on him arm.

Once he did, the took off his belt and wrapped it around Miyanos arm with the towel and tightened it to hopefully stop the bleeding.

Scooping the smaller male into his arms, he ran as fast as he could out of the apartment. He got to his car and put Miyano into the passenger seat, then rushing over to the drivers side he didn't bother to put his seatbelt on before rushing to the hospital.

Lucky for both of them, they lived within a five minute drive of the hospital. That was the longest five minutes of his whole life.

When Sasaki pulled up, he didn't bother parking in a parking space. All he did was get up to the emergency room entrance, park the car and rushed Inside with Miyano in his arms.

Screaming out for help, doctors took Miyano out of his grip and rushed to treat him. The doctors said he couldn't go with him, so he was forced to wait in the ER waiting room.

He was still in hysterics and crying uncontrollably when he called his sister.

When she picked up, he cried even harder.

Between his sobbing, he said "he tried to kill himself. Tried to kill himself Satoko. I don't know what to do."

Satoko told Sasaki she was on the way and to try and breathe.

Within 20 minutes she was at the hospital. When she saw her little brother just sitting and crying in the waiting room, she ran up to him and let him cry on her.

They both waited for just over 12 hours until the doctor came up to them.

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