Part 1

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Day one at the next step, I am Emily I am here with my co dance caption Michelle, we are with our dancers in studio A as always. Hunter made the team this year and I think he cute so I go over and ask him out, he says yes. as we continue on the day Michelle and I make the line ups on whoever is the weakest dancer goes to the back and whoever is the strongest goes to the front. I am happy to be with Eldon still and he tells me he has feelings for someone else, which kind of hurts, wait does he have feelings for Thalia. Oh no, thats my cousin, I must warn her before she gets hurt like me.

I can't believe he would break up with me after we've been through so much together. I text Thalia and she seems pretty annoyed at Eldon for what he has done to her cousin. I was gonna give him a chance but that doesn't matter, I tell James everything and he goes up to Eldon and punches him. What the hell do you think you are doing, my parents just adopted Michell and you go and break her heart, that's messed up and by the way I'm no longer your friend. 

I wonder why he did this, is there a reason behind the whole breakup. 

part two coming soon, I promise.  Addison!

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