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Star and comment!

You changed "Fugly (unblocked)'s" name to "Pothead."


STARTING THEIR PROJECT WAS not going as Star thought it would. To be honest, Star would have rather died than work on a project worth a large part of their grade. Lord, that man annoyed her. While she had slaved over their project, Harry had decided to sit on his butt and stare at her until she had to sternly whisper to him too, "shut up and work," or she would tell his mom. Someone you don't want to mess with when she's angry.

"Oh Merlin above, if you do not shut your mouth and work, I will make sure Professor McGonagall knows I did all of this work and you will get a 0%," Star grumbled.

"Chill! I'm working as hard as I can! You're acting like a nerd, live a little. God, you Slytherins really do suck!" He winked.

Star's groan sounded out and Harry winced. The look on her face could kill him. He definitely could be a jackäss but he cared for her and the annoyance and anger in her gaze was almost painful.

"You won't be telling me to chill when you get a zero on this project, Potter," She stated. "Goodbye, I'm done for the day."

"Wait, you aren't leaving because of me, right?"

"You know, I don't really find the motivation to work on a project when my partner doesn't work and tells me that my friends and I suck."

"Shït," Harry thinned his mouth out as he watched her walk away.

As Star walked down to the dungeons, she bumped into her cousin.

"Hey, cuz!" Draco exclaimed in a manner reserved for Star and Star only. 

"Hey," Her sour mood was obvious in her tone.

"What's wrong, Star?" He asked with an eyebrow raised questioningly. 

"Nothing's wrong." She quipped.

"Star, I've known you since I was practically born, I know when something's up with you."

"Harry Potter. I would love to talk to you but I really need to work on this project. Can we talk later?" Star asked.

"Promise?" He questioned.

"Pinky promise," She smiled and skipped past him. If Draco hadn't hated Harry before, he hated him now.


@starblack sent a tweet.

starblack: Fück you, Harry Potter.

➟ Hermione.G: 😳
➟ Norenn.Fletcherr: She's snapped, ladies and gents
➟ Draco.M.: I could cry I'm so proud of you.

➟ I love making people mean in stories. 

Starling Darling, Harry Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now