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A/N:If you were following the rp and story Phoenix kinda left for a hot second this is what happened

-Phoenix pov-

"Yo can you cover this one?" I asked walking to my second room well it's a room with little thing a mirror some dark green wallpaper some plants and one window and a couple lamps I had them all of most of the time "Why do you want me to cover for you" I just look to the side and she kinda knew I need a second I walked in the room spinning a dagger "God she's cute but I heard her yell at Ashley and Saphir about not shipping her with me or a RaDoM wOmAn I get it but a person walk but up almost kis-" I looked down walked up to a mirror and turned on the lamp next to it "I almost kissed her...WHY THE FUCK DID I D O THAT I SUCH A IDIOT I mean she hot what was I supposed to do"I turned the lamp off again and slammed my fisted on my head "IM SO STUPID THAT WAS SUCH A DUMB DECISION WHY WOULD A PERSON DO THAT" I fall to my knees and just tear up and whisper "Not again" I wipe the tears from my eyes and got up I sighed and tried to smile I spin my knife again and said "why did I do that I didn't here the door open...

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