🖤You broke your promise🖤

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A/N:this is a were Phoenix family got broken up like I died ari and saphir died/Went missing and midnight died leaving Phoenix alone
(TW suicide and self harm)

-Phoenix pov-

I hugged a pillow that had one of midnights t-shirts on it to my chest and cried "You bitch you lied to me..." I shakily said "YOU SAID YOULL NEVER LEAVE ME" I said getting up and throwing a pillow across the room before placing my hands over my eyes "I SHOULDN'T HAVE TRUSTED YOU!I SHOUDN'T HAVE MET YOU" I yelled out I catch a glimpse at myself in the mirror and I look at myself

" I shakily said "YOU SAID YOULL NEVER LEAVE ME" I said getting up and throwing a pillow across the room before placing my hands over my eyes "I SHOULDN'T HAVE TRUSTED YOU!I SHOUDN'T HAVE MET YOU" I yelled out I catch a glimpse at myself in the mi...

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God I let myself go didn't I...I touch my scars and fall to the ground and stopped crying so hard "I-I though I could be happy again...Why did it have to end.." I look up and look in my closet and grab a box I opened it and looked at a rope..The same rope that killed my mom is going to kill me..I tied a noose and looked at it "Hmmm never thought I died like this" I grabbed a chair and wrote a note
'If your reading this im dead don't worry I lived a beautiful life with amazing children and a beautiful wife I couldn't ask for more but there gone and I don't have anyone now I hate this feeling so much so I'm ending it.I love ally I love Middy I love saphir I love Bella I love Ari I love midnight I love blade I love Ruby I love phantom and I love you candy mama bear signing out
-Love Phoenix clawthorn'
I put a couple feet away from me and got and the chair and tied it on the ceiling fan I put my head in the noose and kicked the chair tears flowed out my eyes,a couple seconds later I black out my last thoughts was me laughing with my kids my wife of my chest asleep and life swiped away from me

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