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Tris POV

I awake with a sharp pain in my back. I reach over and grab my phone. I look what time it is. It's 3 in the morning. I get up and walk to my room. I see Four laying on the bed. He looks like hes been sweating and he's tossing and turning.

I go to wake him up and he gets up violently. He sits there with his head in his hands and he's shaking.

I ask him what he was dreaming about."They...they...the..they hurt you."he says. "Who's they " I ask. "Its Janeine and Marcus. They killed you right in front of me. All I could do was sit there and watch. But thank god that your here with me and it was all in my head."

I sit there thinking what to say. And all that comes out is "It'll be ok. Just get some rest. Im here now. Its ok."

He falls asleep shortly before I do.

Four POV

I wake up and take a shower. I decided to make breakfast for Tris. I get out the bacon , eggs, bread, and the butter. I get out the vege's and start to make her an omelette. I start to get the plate and I drop it out of the cabinet. I peek in where Tris is sleeping to make sure I didn't wake her.

I walk in there and she's laying there looking at me. "Good morning princess" I say. She looks at me and smiles. "I made breakfast." I tell her. She gets up and eats. Then she hits the showers.

As she's getting ready im getting in the car. I text her.

ily (i love you)- F
Hey u left without a kiss- T
ik but i was going to be late.- F
Ok what ever-T
ily -T
ily too- F
As I put my phone away, I look up and all I see is blank darkness. Then I black out.

Divergent FourTrisWhere stories live. Discover now