Chapter 11

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Spencer and JJ had obviously shared an awkward moment that morning as JJ explained (not in detail) to where she was last night. To Spencer it started to become more and more clear that their friendship was falling apart, both at the ripe age of seventeen were trying new things and experimenting with life... Who wanted their opposite sex best friend to hear about their more intimate personal lives?

Spencer had dropped JJ off at the Jareau home later that morning before going for a quiet drive. The further he drove the more it hurt... It hurt to watch his best friend... The women he loved be with someone else... What was he thinking?! He's seventeen, what seventeen year old understands love?

Eventually he gave up in trying to figure out teenage angst and hormones and drove home. It was nearing noon when he got there the sun was at its hottest point shining down on everything around. He parked the car and headed to the apartment doors when he found Emily and Derek sitting on the front steps, Derek was sweating bullets trying to act natural around the beautiful women sitting next to him while Emily all dressed in black looked as though it was a normal spring day not drop of salty water on her. "Hey pretty boy!" Derek called from across the lot. "Where've you been?"

"I just dropped JJ off, then went for a drive. Why are you guys here?" He asked, Emily noticed Spencer begin to play with his car key his hands slightly shaking.

"Well I wanted to know if you were up for a party tonight, all the sports teams are invited and Pen isn't up to going and Chess is technically a sport, you keep insisting. And on my way over I ran into Princess over here." Derek motioned to Emily.

She nodded her head at Morgan's words. "I wanted to check if JJ was alright, Will was still hungover when I left so I wanted to see if you needed help as you didn't answer your phone Ringworm." Emily smirked as Spencer turned slightly red. His phone had gone off a few times but he couldn't bring himself to answer in case it was Jennifer.

"Yeah sorry I guess the ringer is off." He lied.

Emily just rolled her eyes before stepping forwards. "Yeah whatever, now that I know your alright I'll just head out I'll see you on Monday Ringworm." Shocking them both Emily leaned forward giving the genius a hug. She pulled away without a word and got into her car driving away.

"Well well well, you and Princess huh?" The dark skinned man smirked at the lanky genius.

Spencer rolled his eyes heading into the building. "We're just friends Derek."

"You cannot just be friends with a girl like that kid! But anyways you coming tonight?"

"I don't know, my mom..."

"Is staying the night at the hospital because they changed her meds. Please we need a designated driver." He pleaded.

Spencer sighed as they reached his apartment he unlocked the door. "Fine, just because I don't want you doing anything stupid."

"You're the best man." Derek smiled slapping him in the back before heading back out the main doors.

Heads up the next few chapters are going to get a bit more mature, subject matter that is.

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