Chapter 27

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Spencer climbed into the tent followed by JJ and Emily later that night, both girls to the end of the tent leaving Spencer squashed in the middle, it didn't take long for them to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

A few hours later Spencer was awaken by a soft sucking and wet found. Slowly he opened one eye just a crack to check on the noise. He tilted his head up slightly to find JJ and Emily kneeling over him sharing a sweet intimate kiss. As the teenage boy he was it didn't take much effort to stop himself from sitting up and stopping their little affair. And at the same time he didn't want to go back to sleep he was intrigued with sight above his head. He heard Emily give out a gasp and moan and he realized JJ had just slipped his sort of girlfriend the tongue.

Emily's hands reached forward to rest on JJ's hips to balance herself, while JJ leaned closer to place her hands on the girls shoulder for leverage. The hands Emily had on JJ's hips were slowly making there way under the blondes tank top slowly pulling it upwards. JJ lifter her hands over her head not breaking her lips from Emily's only when her tank top was lifted exposing her bare breasts.

Spencer was trying his hardest not to say a word so he wouldn't ruin this moment, he felt a stirring down in his second head and he prayed it wasn't noticeable. He watched as the girls pulled apart and revealed JJ's breasts to him causing him to let out a quiet squeak. He watched as JJ lifted Emily's shirt leaving her completely topless, Spencer couldn't hold it in any more and let loud out moan louder then he intended to.

"Looks like someone wants to join us." The blonde giggled turning to look at her best friend. Emily turned as well with a wide smile as she crawled over to Spencer followed by JJ. Together the girls rested in either side of him and ran their hands down his chest undoing the buttons. Spencer let out a loud moan of pleasure as their hands rested lower.

"Spencer?" He heard someone whisper.

"Spencer?!" The voice said again,suddenly he felt his body shake gently and the topless images of JJ and Emily disappeared and were replaced with an ugly green coloured tent ceiling. "Spencer!" The voiced hissed again. Rolling over the brunette turned to find Emily starting at him fully clothed with a weird look on her face. "You were making some weird noises."

"Sorry." He yawned attempting to hide a blush. "I was dreaming a guess." He sighed before laying back down on his pillow.

There you go your threesome ish for those of you who asked 😂❤️

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