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More often than not Aphrodite found herself lounging and drinking wine on her red chaise, it was by design, of course

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More often than not Aphrodite found herself lounging and drinking wine on her red chaise, it was by design, of course. The chaise had been positioned so she could address anyone in the shop no matter where they were without having to leave it. The ultimate in relaxed efficiency, trademark pending.

As if by magic, her phone was suddenly in her hand and she began idly scrolling through her contacts. "Himeros, do you think anyone else in Olympus has one of these?"

"Sure they do," He nodded, "Hermes doesn't even lace up his sandals anymore unless he's delivering a message directly from Zeus, everyone else just texts."

"I've always sent letters." She muttered, realizing that her communications very seldom had responses. "Let me see yours." She snatched his phone from his hand and opened the contact list, scrolling until she found the name she wanted.

She copied the number into her own phone and proceeded to send a message.

Aphrodite: Hello, my love, it's been centuries, don't you miss me?

"How long until they respond?"

"Depends," Himeros said, rocking on his heels.

"On what?"

"On whether or not they want to talk to you I guess."

"He'll be delighted to hear from me, I'm sure of it."

"Um... you're not talking about who I think you're talking about right? Because every time you're around him you curse someone and -"

"I do not!" Her phone chimed and she looked down at the response.

Adonis: Persephone, that you babe?

Aphrodite screeched and chucked her phone at Himeros who ducked just in time.

"Adonis did always seem to carry more blood below his belt than above his neck. They can't all have the beauty and the brains, present company excluded, of course." Eros said, locking the front door of the shop behind him and scooping up Aphrodite's phone.

"What are you doing back so early?" She growled.

Eros looked at his brother, a flash of panic crossing his face. "Bel had to meet a friend."

"If you make me ask for further details I will turn your tall human into a sheep and make you herd her off of a cliff in my honor!"

Eros pulled at the collar of his shirt and swallowed hard. "Ember called, she sounded really upset and asked Bel to pick her up from the winery."

Aphrodite's eyes turned a flat black and her lips curled into a snarl. "That is it! I've had it!"

"Think about this for a second!" Eros jumped in front of her, blocking the exit, "it's just a misunderstanding, I'm sure he meant to kiss her, it's just you know he probably feels bad."

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