Chapter 2

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Seraphina's POV

"Amethyst?!" John cried out as he stood up to face the girl. She was around the same height as me, perhaps a little shorter, she had almost all the same features as John except for her purple eyes. The girl looked at him nervously "I haven't seen you in a long time..." she trailed off. John just hugged her and said"I missed you... But why are you here at Wellston?" He questioned as he let go of her.

"What? I can't even visit my twin brother?" She teased. "You know that's not what l mean..." John whispered. Her smile faded "Dad was worried and told me to keep an eye on you, BUT I also missed you so win-win?" She replied with a hopeful look for him to understand. "Oh, ok..." he said as he slowly processed the information. She sat down on the table with us seemingly in good spirits. "So whats your name?" I asked her. "Oh right! i haven't introduced myself yet have I? The name's Amethyst but you can call me Ami, you've probably picked up on this by now but I'm John's twin sister. Nice to meet you."                                                                                                                     "Im Seraphina but you can call me Sera if you'd like, As you can see I'm your brothers friend"        "Good to see my little bro can make friends" she said playfully as she ruffled Johns hair.                   "Quit it Ami.." John mumbled as we laughed                                                                                                "Little bro?" i questioned.                                                                                                                                                  "Oh I was born 2 minutes earlier than him"
"Makes sense"

"So let's get to know each other" I suggested when we stopped making fun of John.          "Sounds like a good plan" she replied with a smile.                                                                                        "So Amethyst, I assume your a cripple since John's a cripple?" I asked. A look of confusion crossed her face "What do you mean a cripple lik- ," she started to say but John suddenly interrupted "Obviously she's a cripple like me, we're twins Sera, what did you think?" He said with a convincing smile. "yeah......." I said slowly.                                                                                            "So what about you Seraphina? What's your ability?" Amethyst asked. "Oh... I used to have time manipulation 8.0 but recently... I lost it." I answered looking down at my lunch.                              "Oh l'm so sorry if that was insensitive of me" She said softly as if to try comfort me. "No, it's okay..." I said after plastering a smile to my face.

"GUYS! We have 3 minutes till class starts! Quick let's get to class or those teachers are gonna have our heads!" John suddenly shouted as he stood up panicked.                                                       "Oh Shoot I can't be late for any of my classes on my first day of school!" Amethyst cried as she stood up and haphazardly packed up her bag. "You guys go, I'm gonna skip like always anyway." I said. "See you later Sera!" John waved as he ran down the hallway. I saw Amethyst follow him as they had the same class that period. 

Lets hope I don't get beat up during this free period...

John's POV

'Oh shoot, I'm going to be late for class!' I thought as l shot through the hallways. Suddenly Amethyst grabbed my hand and made me skid to a halt. When l turned around to look her eyes seemed to be shooting laser beams of questions at me                                                                              "You have a lot of explaining to do..." 

Shoot I forgot that she would've wanted to know about the cripple thing...

*after explaining*

"Wait, so let me get this straight, you let everyone know you were a cripple so you wouldn't have  to use your ability anymore after what happened at New Bostin and you want me to pretend to be a cripple as well so you don't get exposed???" Amethyst asked, still in disbelief . "Basically yes... so brace yourself 'cus your gonna get beat up alot, especially since your my sister" I replied looking at her nervously for her reaction. "Fine, I'll pretend but if someone pushes me over the edge," she threatened doing a little push motion with her hands "You know l'll use my ability." "Fine..." I sighed because that was likely the best deal l was going to get.

"Let's get to class now or we'll be even more late than before" Amethyst said as she swung her backpack onto her shoulder and ran down the hallway. Damn it , Things are about to get a lot more messier'

Sorry about that, that was such a short chapter and I'm not the best writer but bear with me okay? Also please comment and vote it would mean so much to me!

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