Infinite Annoyance

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Linda Lucifer a young girl with curly brown hair and olive skin her eyes were white the whites of her eyes were black, her nails long black and sharp, her uniform was tight black pants, or the blue and black striped skirt with black tights with a black button up and a blue and black striped blazer, she was known as the time traveler of Nevermore

she spent her days weight lifting and mountain climbing and reading, she keeps a note book filled with every book she's read and her rating for it, once her parents found out she could time travel they sent her to Nevermore where she met her friends Kent Bianca and Divina among others of course but that's who she spent the most time with, she may be strong but her brains out way her brawn by a mile, she's quick on her feet and usually remains calm in the face of danger

Kent Lovelace a young boy with thick brown hair and tanned skin his eyes were a pale blue green, his nails were sharp but short and unpainted his uniform was loose black pants a black button up a grey sweater vest and a blue and black striped blazer, he was known as one of the siren twins of Nevermore

he spent his days swimming reading and hanging out with his friends, but after his twin sister Divina accidently transformed at school his parents sent them to Nevermore where they met their new friends Bianca and Linda, among others of course but he spent the most time with them, he may be fast with a good amount of muscle but he's not the smartest when it comes to real world situations, as Linda puts it he's cute but clueless, however in a learning environment he's top dog, aka top of all his classes, he remains calm in the face of danger and his main priority is to protect his friends
Linda smirked at Kent as she moved her knight to take Kent's queen which caused him to mutter a few curses under his breath and look at the board trying to figure out his next move

Divina looked over at the two and rolled her eyes "We have a free day in class and you two choose to play chess" she looked over to Bianca who laughed and muttered a quick 'what nerds' before going back to her phone Linda rolled her eyes at the siren duo before whipping her head around in response to Kent calling checkmate

Linda looked at the board before groaning and slamming her head on the table but Instead of her head meeting the table it was met with a hand, she quickly looked up to she Kent retracting his arm "don't hurt yourself over a game Linny, let reset and start again" he smiled and grabbed his pieces starting to set his side up again

Linda smiled as heat rose to her cheeks slightly and quickly began to set her side up again to go for another round "Your start Kent" she hummed out as she looked at her watch "What time is it, I need to know how fast I need to beat you" he asked the other brunette as he moved his pawn forward to which she rolled her eyes "we have 30 minutes then we have free block and then lunch" she answered the siren as she moved her pawn forward as well he nodded and moved his bishop to take her pawn

Linda moved her rook to swap places with her king to which Kent moved his queen to take her knight, Linda giggled as she took his queen with her pawn to which he groaned and took her same pawn with his knight

Bianca and Divina watched the two have a mostly silent battle till Linda finally called check mate to which Kent slammed his hand down onto the table making Linda laugh as she put the chess board up and grabbed her black mailbag

"Come on Kent to have to admit that was a good win" she hummed out as she elbowed the boy who was now grabbing his bag seeing as the bell was about to ring he groaned "considering you didn't mean to checkmate me ya it was a good win congrats Linny" he smiled as the bell rung, he walked next to Linda as the two trailed behind Bianca and Divina who were talking about the knew serial killer girl they were letting Into the school

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