╭∩╮(ಠ_ಠ)╭∩╮𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕕 𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕪

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Again, I feel bad for giving such a short chapter and for making y'all wait, so I'm continuing the last chapter. Also I'm running out of ideas please help.

Y/n POV:

At lunchtime nezuko was filling me in on Heather Chikatilo.

"She always looks fierce, she always wins homecoming queen,-" Nezuko started. (Please tell me one of y'all get that reference.)

"Who cares?" Aoi said meeting up with us in the lunch line. She had heard us talking about Heather. "She's your typical back-stabbing, slut-faced hoe-bag." (One more reference, please someone get it.)

"Don't mind her, she used to be friends with Heather in middle school but they had a falling out the summer before freshman year." Nezuko explained. "She doesn't like when we talk about it." She leaned in to whisper. I looked over to see a grumpy looking Aoi.

"Ok first of all, we weren't friends, I was a mindless zombie under her control. She made it her life's mission to make me feel insecure about myself and every thing I did. Then after school we'd go to the mall and be my 'best friend' and second of all, it was not a falling out." We grabbed our food and started walking to sit with the others. "A falling out is when two friend slowly stop talking to each other because they're busy or are slowly losing interest in the frendship." She explained as we sat down at our table.

"Ugh not this story again." Inosuke said with a mouthful of food that Tanjiro brought him from home.

"Yes, this story again." Aoi said.

"Wait didn't you say we're not supposed to talk about it." Zenitsu asked.

"Well Y/n doesn't know so I'm telling her the story." Aoi said. "So the summer before high school, a WEEK before our first day, she said 'I'd rather be found dead in a ditch by some highway than hangout with you. You're such an ugly, worthless loser.' And on the first day she found a new mindless zombie to order around."

Amy Valdez.

I've seen her around Heather before, but I've rarely payed any attention. The times I did, she was around Heather. She seemed quiet and reserved, as if she was scarred of Heather. I couldn't help but feel bad for her.

I felt bad for Aoi too. And now I hate Heather even more. She acts like one of those one- dimensional mean girls with no real depth to them.

"Ok, how about we change the subject." Tanjiro said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Y/n how's the um- the student council going?" Genya managed to ask with minimal stuttering.

"Oh it's going good," I started. "we still have tocome up with a theme for this years homecoming. We have a meeting after school actually."

"I remember last years theme was like the beach or something." Zenitsu said. "I didn't go. I chose not to."

"Zenitsu, stop your not fooling anyone." Nezuko said. "We all know you did not go anywhere that night except to mine and Tanjiro's house to play stupid board games and watch dumb horror movies that my mom won't let me and Tanjiro watch."

With a mouthful of food, inosuke started laughing at him.

"Oh, be quiet inosuke you were the first one to come over that day." Nezuko shot back. "And you almost broke a window."

"OOOOh, I remember" Tanjiro started and pointed at nezuko with his fork."you got mad because you were losing at the board games."

"No, I was mad because I wanted to watch Titanic in the living room but you guys were using the tv. And you know I don't like watching movies on those illegal websites on my laptop."

As Tanjiro and nezuko argued as siblings do, I turned to the others.

"Do you think a Vegas theme would be good for homecoming?"

~Time skip (brought to you by 'Welcome to the black parade' by my chemical romance being on loop for an hour because I was emo in middle school and never fully grew out of it)~

At P.E., I saw a small note on my locker.

I would move heaven, hell, and earth to see your smile. You make me cry, the thought of you not being in my arms hurts my heart. Your beauty puts Aphrodite to shame. I hug my pillow at night and imagine I am holding you tight. You make me realize what all the love songs are talking about.
With much love,
your secret admirer

I blushed quite a lot. Or at least enough for Aoi to notice, because she asked me what it was.

"Leave her and let her read it Aoi." Kanao said with a slight pink in her cheeks. It could be from how hot it was in here.

~time skip again I'm sorry~

After P.E. I had math with Genya and Mui. My mind was preoccupied with the letter I received the period before. I guess it showed on my face because when I sat down Genya asked me what happened for my face to be like that.

I showed him the letter. As he read it, anger and confusion slowly crept onto his face. As he finished, it went away and was replaced with a hint of sadness.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing." he said, handing back the letter.

Genya POV:

Who wrote this.

I can't expect for me to be the only one to have fallen for Y/n, but why do some people have enough bravery to tell her how they feel.

I should do something for her too.

I could make her something.

No, the only thing I know how to make is a mess.

I could bake her something.

Wait, No I can't.

I want to do something for her, but what.

I could take her to this cafe a few blocks away.

Yea I'll do that.

I have no excuse, I have been gone for a very long time, I became very busy and stressed. For a whole month I was always out everyday with school, choir and color guard. Also my mom is pregnant and I have to help her. I had to take a break for my mental health. I hope you all can understand and forgive me. Thank you. stay safe my lovelies, drink water and take care of yourself. 

Word count: 1073

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