Hotel party

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*Trinity's POV*

It's about 11 o'clock and Amara and I are in West Virgina, trying to find a good place to stop.

I turn to her "Dude, let's start looking for a hotel or something here." I say.

" I'm not even close to being tired" she whines. "We are in the capital of West Virgina. Let's party or something, you know like to celebrate how far we have come in life."

"I guess your right. Well lets go out to a club or something. I know we are only 18 and 19 but I know a guy down in Wisconsin who gave me two fake ID's " I say as I pull out two ID cards, one with amara's face on it and one with my face on it. " Remember it's only illegal if we get caught".

"Dude you're the BEST!" She says taking the ID card from my hand. " Now we just need a place to go to use these badboys." She says. We end up driving past a few casinos and then we come across this club called Pink Panther. Then we pull up into the packed parking lot and I throw Josh a quick text

Trinity: Hey Amara and I are gonna go party for a little bit then crash at a hotel and then in the morning we'll be on or way.

Josh: WITHOUT ME??? Ok. But dont get too drunk and we are gonna party all night when you guys get here.

Trinity: ok we'll c ya tomorrow! G'night bestie

We get out of the car, both walking up to the club doors and walk in. The music is blasting hot guys are dancing, and sitting at the bar jackpot! Wow I am so glad that Rick gave me these cards. We end up walking up to the bar were tis really HOT bartender is working. The bartender walks over to us.

" So what brings you two beautiful ladies here tonight?" He askes us in a really deep sexy voice.

*Amara's POV*

Trinity and I walk into this really loud club where people are dancing and talking. I don't know how you can even talk in a club like this. The music is sooo loud. We end up walking up to the bar where this really HOT bartender is working.

"So what brings you two beautiful ladies here tonight?" He askes in a really sexy voice. I look at Trin and looks back me. Right then I knew her and I were thinking the same thing. I turn to him and bite my lip.

" We were just on our way to stop at a hotel and we thought we might as well come out to party for a little bit" I flirt.

"I see so, where are you two ladies are from?" he askes, " I just moved here from california a year ago."

" We are from Wisconsin, we acctually are on our way to Virgina to vist our bestfriend for the first time." I say as I play with my hair.

"Mmmm, I can tell you do have an accent." he flirts back leaning over the counter, "so, what do you ladies want to drink?"

"I'll have a Blue Hawiian, please" Trinity says to him.

" And I'll take a Sangria" I say in a really suductive voice.

" Alright, it will be right up I'll be right back" he winks at us.

"Gurll this guy is mine okay?" I turn to Trinity, " why do you go fid some hottie? Oh" I point to this guy who almost looks like Kian Lawley from YouTube. She then sees where and raises her eyebrobrows.


Hey guys sorry I havent updated in a longg time I on wednesday i had a 101 temp. and i didnt do any thing but yeah sorry about that and sorry the chapters were short at the start lol i just didnt know what to write about. it was a borning and now we'er getting to the good parts

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