Making the group chat

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-Carrie added Devin, Emma, Kitty, Crimson, Ennui, Noah, Owen, Junior, Dwayne, Taylor, Tammy, Leonard, Josee, Jacquees, MacArthur, Sanders, Spud, Rock, Kelly, Geoff, Brody, Mary, Melody, Tom,Jen, (and the rest lol I forgot their names)
-Josee: HUH? What the fuck is this?
-MacArthur : a groupchat, can't you tell?
Josee: oh wow, thanks for the information motherfucker
-MacArthur : fuck you bitch
-Sanders : MacArthur! Language, there is a child here
-MacArthur : shut up Sanders
-Jen : Omg! Hiii everyone!
Kitty : hiii🫶
-Emma : hey Carrie, why did you add us?
-Carrie : so we can keep in touch! 😁
Emma : adding Josee and MacArthur in the same group chat was a bad idea
-Geoff : HEY BRO! 😎
-Devin : well they are still cool
-Brody : How are ya bro, feeling better!
-Josee : you brainless surfer it's been 2 years of course he's okay😶
-Carrie : Josee can you just not be mean in here  for the love of God? You have all your life to mean so shut the fuck up and BE NICE
-Brody : Thanks dudette :D
-Devin: Carrie with a darkside?
-kitty : GO CARRIE!!
-Tom: damn we barely all joined and y'all are fighting?
-Carrie : Josee don't you dare!
-josee : 🥲
                   *Crimson has left the chat*
                  *Ennui has left the chat*
-Brody: AW why did they leave? D:
Carrie added Crimson
Carrie added Ennui
                   *Crimson has left the chat*
                  *Ennui has left the chat*
-Carrie: oh hell no
Carrie added Crimson
Carrie added Ennui
-Crimson : for fuck's sake let us leave
-kitty: you can curse? 😶
-Crimson:yes now bye
                   *Crimson has left the chat*
                  *Ennui has left the chat*
Carrie added Crimson
Carrie added Ennui
-Carrie : just stay I won't stop😁
-Crimson : so will I
-Geoff : c'mon Dudettes, both of you stay
-Crimson : no
-Carrie : raise ur hand if u want these 2 to stay
-Carrie : ✋
-Devin : ✋
-Brody : ✋
-Geoff : ✋
-Kitty : ✋
-Emma:✋ only because kitty raised her hand
-Tom : ✋
-Jen: ✋the peacock costume you made was gorgeous  so yeah
-Sanders:✋ I don't see why not?
-Crimson : ok ok stop it we will stay
-Carrie : good

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