The Fall

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For my story Bellatrix will be going into her 7th and last year, Andromeda will be going into her 6th and narcissa will be going into her 5th, lucius, the lestrange twins are also in 7th year, the prewitt twins will be 6th years, bill will be six years old on November 29, charlie will be 4 on December 12, percy will be born on the 22, teddy will be 6 years old and his birthday is april 1st, and Eileen (snape's mom) died the year before. The goblins height range from 2'5 to 3ft as an adult, Lilith is 4'10 as a result of the abuse and having to live in a tiny cupboard most of her childhood. Ragnarok is 3ft . The werewolf prank happened in June before this summer

I groaned as I laid on the cobblestone, I'm so going to kill death the next time I see him. Slowly I sat up looking around I saw that I was in the alley hiding the entrance to diagon alley, getting up I dusted of my clothes and entered the alley, looking at a newspaper it's August 1st 1976, the marauders would be starting their 6th year in September, Sirius already ran away. Coming out of my thoughts I looked up realizing I was in front of gringotts already, I bowed to the goblins and walked inside, I moved to the first open teller and waited till he looked up "yes?" He asked with a sneer "may your gold ever flow teller goblin, I request an inheritance test " I spoke holding my head high, the goblin lost his sneer and gained a shocked look, I knew why there hasn't been a human who knew the goblin customs since the founders and in turn they hid their true appearance finding humans unworthy of seeing it. "Follow me Lady Warrior" he spoke in turn hopping down from his stool, I nodded following him, they did not like witches and wizards on account of all of the discrimination and harm done so any they deem "good" was called a warrior. I followed him down the corridors to a gold door with depictions of battles carved in, I knew this door was different than the others and it became even more clear when I noticed the two goblin guards standing outside. I bowed to each guard as the goblin knocked, a deep voice called for us to come in, we entered and I made eye contact with the goblin behind the desk 'MATE, MATE, OUR MATE ' My wolf shouted over and over again, I released my scent as a growl escaped my mate from the close proximity of another male, the goblin quickly left shutting the door quickly behind him, I moved over to him, And I'll deny it to my grave, squeaked when I was pulled onto his lap, his glamour fading away to show his real appearance. "I'm Ragnarok, what's your name mo charaid (my mate, Scottish Gaelic)" he asked holding me by my waist
Fun Fact: goblins are recorded to have first appeared in European folklore, and the most popular myth states they were created in France
"I'm Lilith, to answer more I would need to take an inheritance test" I spoke looking at him, he nodded snapping his fingers causing papers to appear, he gently grabbed my hand looking at me, I nodded and he cut my thumb counting 7 drops before closing the wound.

Inheritance test
Name: Lilith Jamie Peverel
Birthday: July 31, 1980
New Birthday: July 31, 1960
Age: 24
New age: 16
Mother: Lilian Tulip Peverel nee Hufflepuff
Father: James Ignoctus Peverel
Children: Edward Teddy Peverel
Blood status: Pureblood
Creature(s): Werewolf, Vampire, Mimic
Mate(s): Ragnarok (goblin), unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown
Mistress of death
Can gain any creatures inheritance through touch (if bearer wishes)
Basically if she wants to become a mermaid all she has to do is touch one and she'll always be able to change into a mermaid and all of the abilities along with it
Shadow magic
Enhanced senses
Enhanced strength
Night vision
Mage sight

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