From The Start: Part 2

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Here's the part 2 of the First chapter. Like I said this one is going to have more action in it and I hope you guys will enjoy :)


"Whoa." I whispered to myself as I saw the tons of eighth graders. How am I supposed to find him in all this mess. I walked toward the tables with the food all over.

As I got closer to the table, I saw a small blond kid already munching on the food.

"Of course you'd be the first one eating," I said as I patted Jason on the back. He looked up at me with checks full and with big brown eyes.

"Yeah, so?" He replied with his mouth full and I let out a small laugh.

"Finally after this we can go home and start the summer," Caitlin said as she walked up next to me. "So how's your day been A?" She asked whilst leaning against the table.

"Its been okay I'm just waiting on Robert," I assured and she raised her eyebrows at me.

"Really why? Oh my god did something happen between you two?" She questioned with excitement.

"No not really. But he said he wanted to tell me something. So I've just been wondering all day," I told her and a smile appeared on my face as I did. What she didn't know was that something already happened.

"Well don't look now but he's standing on the other side of the table alone," She informed as she pointed at him with her eyes.

"Oh shit," I mumbled as my heart started to beat faster.

"Don't worry about it, just go up and ask him what he wanted to tell you," she said making it sound so easily.

"Alright I'll go," I responded whilst walking towards Robert. "H-hey R-Robert."

"Oh, hey what's up?" Robert replied with a cool tone.

"What did you want to tell me in first period?" I asked nervously. He looked at me as if he thought about what to say next.

"Oh...I was going to ask you if your friend Caitlin ever talks about me?" My heart fell as he was interested in Caitlin and not me.

"No...she doesn't really mention you, sorry," I spoke trying not to sound sad.

"It's alright," He said as he patted my shoulder. "Thanks anyways." He then started to walk away from me. can I be so stupid to think he was actually going to tell me he was into me. But I guess things couldn't...I snapped out of my thoughts as a girl started to scream. I looked up at the sky to see what she was screaming at and my mouth dropped. A meteor was falling straight towards the school and it was coming down fast. Maybe I should've kept my thoughts shut....

Everyone was running and pushing trying to get out of the back of the school. "Come on lets get out of here!"

I heard somebody scream at me as they grabbed my hand and started to pull me. "Jason!" I mumbled as I looked at him pulling me. I felt a burst of wind hit my back and I fell hard on the ground making everything go dark.

"Ugh..." I moaned as I struggled to pick myself up. I got on my knees and I started to look around. There was dust all over the air and fire spots everywhere. Even the school was partly destroyed. There were so many bodies of students and teachers on the ground. "Jason!" I yelled as I looked at the boy laying in front of me.

I quickly crawled to him as pain made its way through my muscles. "Jason!" I cried out to him again as I started to shake him. He didn't respond to me or make any motion.

"Jason..." I whispered softly as I pulled him into my hands. My eyes shot open as I heard someone start to cough. I picked my head up and looked at Jason.

"Ale-Alejandro..." He said softly as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Oh my god I thought you were gone," I said as I pulled him into a hug. "We need to get out of here can you stand?" I asked as we needed to get out of this area as soon as possible.

"Yeah I think so," Jason assured as I helped him get on his feet. I threw his arm over my shoulder and we started to head out to the front of the school.

"Help!" I heard somebody shout as we started walking.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Jason.

"Yeah I heard it," He replied as the sound came again.

"Help!" I turned around and saw someone moving on the ground. Though dust filled the air, I could still see a dark figure moving on the ground.

"We need to go back," I told Jason and he nodded his head in agreement. We started walking back into the field and the cries for help got louder as we reached closer to the person. My eyes widened as I saw that it was Robert on the ground crying out for help.

I let go of Jason and got down on my knees to get Robert. "Alejandro is that you?" He whispered as I started to pull him up.

"Yeah it's me, everything is alright I'll get you out of here," I assured him as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Alejandro come check this out," Jason said as I saw him standing over something just a few feet away from us. I carried Robert bridal style and went to where Jason was.

"That's the meteor," Robert mumbled as he let out a cough.

"Why is it glowing?" I asked and both Jason and Robert shrugged their shoulders. "Come on we need to go find some help." I then felt the ground start to cave in underneath us.

"Ahhh!" We all screamed in unison as we fell into the whole where the meteor is. Robert fell out of my hands in the process.

"Ow..." I groaned as I got up on my knees. "Robert... Jason." I called out as I got up on my feat. "Are you two alright?"

"Yeah," Jason replies as Robert says, 'I'm fine' getting up in the process. My head started to feel light and my skin started to tingle.

"I feel odd," Jason said as he started to stumble to the ground.

"Yeah me too," Robert replied.

"Come on you guys we need to ge..." I stopped as I started to get dizzy. I fell to my knees and my vision started to get blurry. "Huh.. huh... No I can't, I have to get up," I mumbled to myself as I tried getting back up onto my feet. I slowly walked over to Robert since he was closer to me and I tried to pick him up.

"Alejandro... I can't move," Robert winced as I wrapped my arms around him.

"It's alright I got you. Just try and hold on," I replied as I made my way slowly to Jason. I still had Robert in my hands and I struggled to bend down and pick him up too.

Jason was out, but he was still breathing so that was a good sign. I looked up at the steep hill and I was breathing harder. I knew I was passed my limits. "Alejandro I..." Robert trailed off just as he was passing out. I fell to my knees and let go of Jason and Robert.

"I'm done," I said to myself as I gasped for air and my eyes started to feel weak and hazy. "I can't believe I'm going to..."


Thanks for reading and it would mean a lot if you were to vote f you like or comment about what you thought about it. Next chapter will be about Alejandro figuring out that he has powers and that he has been passed out for three weeks. I'll post it on Thursday March 7, 2013

Please follow me on Twitter:@Alexbecerra83

And on Instagram:@Alexbecerra83

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