The State of this Family Could Drive Anyone Crazy

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'Why am I such an asshole to everyone?' 

'Can't I just soeak normally to people?'

'Why am I so rude?'

'When did I become such a burden to everyone?'

Kunikuzushi often thinks like this to himself when he finds himself alone, unknowing of what to distract himself with. He spends most of his freetime alone, only when his aunt, Makoto, has  "Fun Family Activities" planned, is he not alone. Boardgames, card games, theme parks, and so on.

Tonight is different though, he feels an insane amount of guilt for having been so rude. Kuni often wishes the accident never took place. He knows that it wasn't his mother's fault, she had just given birth, but he still can't help but feel this.. this burning hatred, that's eating him from the inside out, leaving nothing but emptiness behind. The hatred is no longer caused by his mother not being able to protect his father, but because she so easily forgot him. They've never been togther just the two of them since She came along. Yae Miko is her name, and he can't help but dislike her, for taking his mother from him.

He simply does not properly funktion in Miko's presense. He shuts down in annoyance whenever they're in the same room. She hasn't truelly done anyting to deserve his dislike of her, but it's a sort of thing that's hard to change. He also can't help but fear her. She may have a nice demeanor, but there's just something, something inexplicable that makes the very core of his being fear her. 'Miko looks like she would go to the park, hoping to see a cat stalk it's prey and dig it's claws into the neck of the poor mouse or bird, it might've caught... Yeah, she's definitely that kind of person.' Kunikuzushi thinks to himself. 


Miko sneezes, 'Odd, I don't have any allergies..'.

Back to Kunikuzushi

Kunikuzishi doesn't hesitate to blame the world, but he does realize that his mistakes are his. Although he knows when he is being unreasonable, that doesn't mean he can stop himself, as he's become, in a sort of twisted way, addicted to the guilt.

Time can pass by quick with these sort of thoughts, but slowly he does manage to get himself to think of other stuff, such as



"Brother, it's time for dinner." Torai shouts in her usual nonchalant tone of voice. 

"I'm coming!" Kunikuzishi yells back.


"Makoto, why don't you have a partner yet? As in a romantic one." Yae Miko says..

'... Great SHE's here for dinner.' Kunikuzushi thinks to himself and scoffs, and as if Miko has some sort of mindreading quirk she says;

"Oh, do you really dislike my company so much?" Miko says in a fake offended tone, "Hmph! If that's how it is, why don't you just move in with your aunt down the street?"

"Miko, could you please stop teasing him already?" Thank goodness Makoto exists, "Today was his first day of not being homeschooled, 

"He knows I'm just joking," the kitsune retaliates, "Besides, he's 15 years old, he shouldn't get all butthurt over a joke." God she really knows how to get on his nerves, it's like she WANTS him to become a villain.

Kunikuzushi can't help but think that, Miko wants something more out of Ei than love. Not a single bone in his body trusts that sneaky b-... kitsune...

Subconsciously he has started a staring competition between him and the kitsune. He's staring at her with a glare that could kill with a single sting.

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