Chapter 18 - Run, Love Run

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27/12 - my mind is fucken blank. I tried to write a one shot but gave up before it even got nice. I have not a single idea anymore what I am doing. I think I am hitting a burn out. again.

03/01/23- here we are again. didn't write. not like I need to excuse myself but ill do anyway. my life was literal hell. I had tests. stress at home. just everliving fuck that didn't let me write a single breathing word or sentence that would be on any significance, and I think, if I can not write something i'd be proud, I rather not write at all.

song in title is from The Amazing Devil

6/2- I contemplated to sent this out at 2700 words, decided that is not enough. I have standards. and hearts to break

I'll add -""- when they talk English, to make it easier to distinguish, as we know, it takes place in Japan

around 4 k? eh... still not to my standard. but its 11 pm and I gotta wake early.

8/2 - I planned to add a song into this chapter
It might make a chaotic moment worse. I contemplate if its the best idea

9/2 - here comes smol disclaimer. the title songs are what lyrics I usually find fitting for a chapter but will not explicitly put into words, so sometimes if you need a soundtrack, I'd put on the song in title if I was you, and let similar songs play afterwards (for this one I would for example play the Love run album, cus most the songs are kinda sad love songs). If I use lyrics in a song, I usually list the name and author at the end of the chapter.

10/2 - I updated the fight in chapter 6 that was missing cus I didn't know how to write it back then. feel free to go back to check it out.


The two of you were stuck in that cage still, now with a new fear, not of your death but of your friends being captured. With the Kingdom of Science being in danger, you two tried even harder to think of a plan. But it didn't matter how hard you tried digging, the ground was too hard to poke it trough, you had no supplies to use to destroy it, and cutting trough the rope would be too much of a gamble.
Soon enough, you found out of the jail's ward. A man, barely any older than the two of you, full of aggression. He seemed like someone who knew how to work with forces, even if his posture was scrummy. Half of his face was covered by the stone, which he seemed to wear like a mask. Partial blind spot, could be used to an advantage. He spoke of the defences, how the traps could dismantle your group.
"Are you sure we should discuss that in front of the prisoners?" One of his meatheads asked.
The ward walked near, "There is no way this primitive man and damsel in distress can ever contact their group from so far." He said with a grin.
You could see Chrome get mad, "Who are you calling primi-", but you held him back.
"Look, it has no point to get agitated at him now, Chrome." You whispered to him. "He wants us to react emotionally to his words." Then you turned to the bamboo rails, looking at the ward and speaking in normal tone. "He was probably a cop. They love to get people to act irrationally just so they have an excuse to beat them up." You turned your face to Chrome again. "No point in arguing with him." And with that you sat down again, Chrome following you to the other corner of the cell.
With just few words to ask you: "But what is a cop?"

That night, after an unsuccessful attempt of gathering supplies to get out, you decided on just getting some sleep. You've tried to light a fire with it, but id didn't work at all. What could you even do with a handful of sticks and flowers. Pray to some gods you didn't believe in, at most.
Some time in, you woke up to rustling sounds. You woke up Chrome, so he would see with you to the matter. You both got up and seen to the cell door. To your surprise, you found a battery laying on the ground. "Must have been Taiju and Yuzuriha..." You whispered. "Lets make a run for it."
He, knowing exactly what to do with the battery now, connected the opposite poles and set the fuse. It immediately alerted the guards, to your disappointment. Great...
"So someone is trying to set fire here?" The guardsman looked at the cell, as Chrome hid the battery in his clothes. "Ah they set fire with the sticks. How primitive. Get the sticks away from them. They will not be a thread anymore then." He said, as simultaneously he laughed at the situation. "Sticks. How stupid are they?"

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