A Real Man Never Hits A Woman!

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Hobi tells them, "If you want to know what she and Yoongi are doing, you must wait for him. If he wants to tell you, he will, but he doesn't have to." 

JK rolls his eyes and smirks. "Yeah, right, like he will confess to sleeping with your girlfriend."

Hobi notices the smirking look on JK's face. Seething Hobi asks through clenched teeth, "Jungkook, did you slap Lill?" 

JK says, "I did it for you!" 

Hobi yells and lunges for JK, grabbing him by his shirt front and pushing him against the wall, "How dare you hit her! She loves you like a little brother. You're family to her!"

Jungkook, surprised at Hobi's reaction, shouts back, "I was so angry at her for hurting you, and since I couldn't punch her, I slapped her! She deserved more than that and worse after what she's done!"

 His deep devotion to his Hyungs blinds Jungkook, and he will not stand for anyone hurting them. Sometimes, his actions are rash; he hurts you out of his own hurt.

Jimin angrily says to JK,  "A real man never hits a woman, and slapping is the same as hitting Jungkook!" 

Hobi draws back his fist to punch JK, but Jimin grabs his arm, pleading, "Hyung, he needs to perform tonight. You can't hit him."

 While Jimin distracts Hobi, Namjoon grabs JK, pushes him back towards the couch, and shoves him down onto it. Hobi is so upset that he starts punching the wall.

Jimin grabs his arm. "Stop,  Hyung, your hand is bleeding." 

Hobi breaks out of Jimin's hold. "I don't care if I'm bleeding." 

He pushes Jimin aside. "I have to go to Lill."

 Hobi glares at Jin and then runs from the room.

JK grabs a snack bag off the table and, ripping it open, begins to munch. Jimin frowns and moves to the other couch. 

Jimin says, "JK, I can't believe you hit her."

Jungkook angrily snaps, "I didn't hit her. I told you I slapped her!" 

Jimin snaps right back at him. "It's the SAME thing,  Maknae!"

JK continues to munch on more snacks and says with a mouth full of chips, "Whatever." 

Jimin glares at him but refuses to say anything more.

Jimin is disappointed that he didn't follow his heart and talk to you before things reached this point. He knew in his heart that what Jin was saying couldn't be true, but he didn't listen.

Namjoon looks at them all very concerned. "When everyone is here, we'll talk this out—all of us together—before this goes any further. Too many emotions are running rampant right now, and we don't need it right before a concert."

 He grimaces, "Plus, we don't need it being carried over onto the stage."

 He takes out his phone to text Tae and Yoongi to meet them in the break room during a rehearsal break. He sends Yoongi a more detailed text explaining why.

Neither Namjoon nor Hobi knew that Yoongi was the first person you tried to talk to. Once he had finished his rehearsal, he checked his phone and saw your texts. He tried to text you back, but now he was the one not getting replies.

Shortly after reading your texts, Tae arrived for his solo rehearsal and saw Yoongi checking his phone. Tae filled Yoongi in on what was going on in the break room.

 "Goddammit!!' cursing, Yoongi takes off for the break room at a run.

He is so angry that the staff are keeping their distance. They could feel waves of anger coming off him and quickly moved out of his way.

Tae knew there was one very angry meow meow heading towards the break room. He takes out his phone to warn Namjoon.

On another floor, Hobi rushes from the elevator and down the hall to your room. He sees your Cooky slippers scattered in the hall.

 He enters the bathroom to wrap his hand and realizes all your toiletries are gone.

 He rushes out of the bathroom, calling your name. He sees the closet door is open, and most of your luggage is gone. He starts to panic and feels like he is going to pass out. 

He sits on the edge of the bed and sees a note on his pillow.

He picks up the note and reads it as tears fall from his eyes to mingle with yours on the paper. He realizes that if the paper is still wet from your tears, you couldn't have gone far. 

He takes out his phone to send a text to Namjoon.

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