All I want Is You! ❤️

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terally have no idea what I'm doing my mind has been drained for the last couple days! I'm so sorry I haven't been publishing for you guys I was busy in my bed watching Netflix ! 😭 but idk what this story is going to be about so this is just coming from the top of my head as I write! Hope you enjoy!

It was another one of those nights. I couldn't sleep. I twisted and turned throughout the night. Hoping if I just faked sleeping, it would come true.
I turned over to my side, imagining my boyfriend by my side, playing in my hair, soothing me back to sleep. But he wasn't here today. He slept at Lexy's house because they went out, and apparently it was too late and they were too tired to drop Devon back at home.
I was really nervous to call my boyfriend. i hate waking him up. But i can't bare to be in his nonexistent presence any longer.
i picked up my phone, and looked at the time. 1:36AM. I didn't know it was this early. I sighed and closed my eyes, as i clicked on his name
The phone started to ring. Devon answered after about 5 rings.

"Hello?" Devon says. His voice rasping. Gosh I love his sleepy voice .
"Hey! Im sorry to wake you!" I say, nervously
"Oh no your fine!" It sounds like Devon sits up in the bed, ready to listen and talk to me. "Is there something wrong?"

"Uhm..It's nothing I just .. i Just couldn't-" I stopped myself in my tracks before I embarrassed myself even more.
"It's nothing! Goodnight!" I say to him

"Who is that?" I hear another guys voice ask to Devon.
"Uhm. Babe, who's that?" I ask Devon. Devon seems to freeze, but right before he could answer, i hang up the phone.

Ive never hung up on Devon before. My heart was racing. Who could that guy be? I could think of no one that we knew that was another male.
I was in shock and panic. This wasn't going to help me sleep at all.
My phone then started to light up.

Devon: babe answer the phone it was nobody
Devon: I'm worried. Please answer
I shut my phone off. Devon texted me 12 times more after that, then he stopped.

I was sweating a lot and i was shaking, trying to calm my nerves. Devon would never cheat on me. I don't know what's going on in my head today .

It's really cold out here. Lexy is going to be worried when she notices I'm not there in the morning. My new friend too.
The guy Jake heard on the phone, his name is Omar. He was a really old friend of mine back in elementary school. I never told Jake about him because I knew that he would feel some type of way.
These street lights are really making my head hurt. I didn't have a car to drive home, so I had to walk. But it didn't matter, because I could walk the whole earth and back just for him. He doesn't understand that i would never cheat on him. I love him too much.
I got home and unlocked the door. When I opened the door, i felt the air of my home. It was colder than outside.
I quickly ran upstairs to see Jake. I opened the door slowly, only to see him balled up in our bed. His eyes were red, like he was crying. I ran to him and cupped him in my arms . he was hot, and I was cold.

Normally Jake would hold me back, pulling me closer to him. I was really worried for him. I talked to him about how Omar was my childhood friend and how we just all hung out today.
"Jake, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't know how you would react about me hanging out with other guys."

Jake didn't respond to me, but in his eyes I could see that he forgave me.
He hugged me back and laid his head under mine.
We both kissed each other softly. I tasted the salt from jakes tears. Our kiss held until we couldn't breath anymore.
"I love you" i say to Jake, really meaning it.
"I love you more than the universe" Jake replies
"That's not possible you dumbass, I love you more than the whole galaxy."

Our "I love you" sentences continue as we fall asleep on each other. We are endgame, and inseparable. ❤️


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