Chapter VIII

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Thursday 1

"Hello welcome to Clear Marketing, how can I help you" says the skinny guy with the headset.Wasn't really expecting this, I had done some freelance work for a company before, but their offices never looked anything close to this. They kind of took the clear thing literally but it made for a very cool decor. The whole front desk where the receptionist was sitting was made of glass, that had to suck for the janitorial staff.

"Hi, I'm James, I am here for a 10 o'clock appointment with..." I kept forgetting the guys name, I hurriedly pull up my emails on my phone which I had in my hand just in this case. "Mr. Malik""Okay, if I could just have you sign on this list and then you can take a seat in the lobby.""Sure" I say as I pick up the stylus and sign my name on the iPad. Once I was done, I go to take a seat in the clear lobby chairs.

This place was really nice and bigger than I was expecting. I felt good about dressing up. I had decided to go with my favorite dress shirt which was a burgundy color. I paired it with some dark grey slacks, and a green jacket. And no not like a bright green, or lawn green. A more muted olive or grayish green, if that helps. Also was super happy I put on a tie. I normally do for these types of meetings slash interviews just to impress, but that would entail me being overdressed. Now I was just dressed. The entire lobbies furnishings were white with pops of color here and there, and the occasional plant. The entire lobby was surrounding in offices, all with glass walls and doors. Well mostly glass. There were a few sides with white walls holding paintings in solid color. I was guessing that was where the restrooms were. Again, felt bad for the janitorial staff. That had to be a monster task. Maybe they had a separate company come out and clean them periodically. Like one that specializes in cleaning glass.

This moment of quiet time let me think about last night. It still sometimes felt like a dream, until I would get hard, and my dick would ache. That was all the reminder I needed to know it wasn't. I found myself getting excited for the next time it would happen. As I was lost in thought of the lust of the previous night, I notice a middle eastern man with a nice size beer belly coming out of one of the offices. I check my phone, yep, its 10 on the dot. I precede to stand up and extend my hand.

"Hello Mr. Robinson" the man says, he did sound older on the phone, but he looked around 40ish, had a nice full beard, no mustache, and a bald head. But clear and burrowing eyes. I could see him being very intimidating to some people."Hello Mr. Malik, finally nice to meet you in the flesh" I say shaking his hand.Also a nice firm handshake. But with handshakes thanks to my father grilling this into me, I give as good as I get."Likewise," he responds, "Well our client is already in the board room." he starts to walk down the lobby toward one of the glass doors. I had thought all of them were the same size inside but as I got to see them, as I passed, I saw some where bigger than others, and some lead to other doors and cubicles.

He holds the door open for me and says "After you" I step inside and stop. I am slightly confused. Either this is a prank, a coincidence, a prank, the universe playing a joke on me, or a prank. Obvious to see what I was thinking, but that is because sitting at the end of a pretty nice size marble table is Milton's sister Chloe.

"James?" she says"Chloe?" I respondI slowly walk over to give her a hug, it seemed appropriate, but you know how you can tell when someone isn't wanting a hug, like that small none movement of hesitation so I just stick out my hand. She sheepishly shakes it.

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